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99 percent of the time there's at least one (1) person who ends up unhappy and if the story is written well you SHOULD feel sad for them and that's too stressful for me idk

that sounds more like you hate love triangles

I too hate love triangles although I can DEAL with them

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you can change that to "hard/nightmare mode is clock up + earth wall"

also i have a discord gosh ugh

I've only abused earth wall that one time; everything else is tactical uses of earth guard to block telegraphed arts / self-destructs

not the right discord then gosh ugh

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it's not always love triangles!! sometimes someone dies

that sounds like a really bad and/or lazy resolution to a love triangle
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hey no wait triangles dont even have to be involved for death

that just sounds like a tragedy then

I think tragedy are is the main respectable genre I actively dislike

Edited by Euklyd
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