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good evening/morning

have you ever been in love with the love between a couple......? im struggling to figure out why i feel this way

i'd say evening

suns not out yet


maybe it's just a sign that you just really like the emotions of love or whatever that the couple has?

that's what i see it as

Are we talking about how cool he is?

gackt? yeah he is.

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gackt if he got super into angst poetry

god i dont like him


luna did a really big bad for that

well not luna herself..

10 years

skype has been in my trash for 2 months cuz i thought it was interfering with origin

just realized that that wasn't the case so i should really bring it back now probably


but if it's being poop again stick it back in the trash

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i'd say evening

suns not out yet


maybe it's just a sign that you just really like the emotions of love or whatever that the couple has?

that's what i see it as

that maakes sense

omg that makes sense too!!!

their love is like.... really amicable

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skype has been in my trash for 2 months cuz i thought it was interfering with origin

just realized that that wasn't the case so i should really bring it back now probably

That's lol, but did you ever see if skypeweb(lol) blows up like skype seems to do for you?

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um i mean

yeah no prob B^]

may i ask who it is?

or is it something private?

look at this tristian

im watching (or more like rewatching) shoujo that's tugging on my heart strings

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i'll call her lunafreya so i don't get kim mad by mistake

but like... oh my god

i kinda really wish she just didnt exist

i understand why tumblr went from thinking she's okay to now hating her

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we survived the worse year


we must celebrate

me all day


you'll be fine though

we party when the sun comes up


That's lol, but did you ever see if skypeweb(lol) blows up like skype seems to do for you?

the biggest lol in that is origin

i have not

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The shift in artstyle for Part 4 is a bit jarring, it'll take some getting used to

Everything else though, the quality of the animation, the colors, the direction, is all great

In just the first two episodes there have been several really nice shots and really nice backgrounds I've noticed

The biggest drop in quality is the OP really, which says a lot more about the previous ones than it does this one

Edited by SecondWorld
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look at this tristian

im watching (or more like rewatching) shoujo that's tugging on my heart strings

*looks at this*

it better not tug too hard or else there's gonna be problems

we party when the sun comes up

the biggest lol in that is origin

i have not


i agree with this

whats origin?

i need a kazehaya

oh my, you're really swimming in shoujos aren't you

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Well golly gee you're in luck. Can't do anything about a kazesomethingorother, but I point you in the direction of Street Fighter or Breath of Fire for a Ryu. You're welcome

the biggest lol in that is origin

i have not

Iffen you do, just prepare for that "Mei is online" bit to occur. :V

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