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Hello, Hi, Hey: I'm $$$ richh

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dude guys daily reminder that sometime in march 2015 i was like "im gonna send u a happy birthday faguette pic" on ur birthday and he was like "my birthday's in like four months ill be surprised if you remembered" and then he did and he didn't he was like "wat the fuck is this" except more lux-y, my greatest achievement in life

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dude guys daily reminder that sometime in march 2015 i was like "im gonna send u a happy birthday faguette pic" on ur birthday and he was like "my birthday's in like four months ill be surprised if you remembered" and then he did and he didn't he was like "wat the fuck is this" except more lux-y, my greatest achievement in life

It was great.

dude yes

@ ur theme

Elemental Master has a nice design. Also found an artist that had tons of pretty Aisha art, so it helped.

it has no reason to be either

make it the korean word for nerd and it'd be perfect

Cursed lack of inspiration

I'd have to google translate that.

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I remembered I posted in this thread before.

Funny thing is I've been meaning to post, but haven't because I couldn't find a new theme and didn't want to post before finding one because I still had Christmas hat. It's dumb


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BTW, I was wondering if I could use the Wind elements shards in the DubiousActivity chest cause I need around 500 of them to upgrade my weapon : )

(I finally got a Secret Dungeon set for my Yama Raja)

Also, have you seen Ain's second path?

sacrifices have to be made

but besides that, how's things been?

busy with some stuff now i'm guessing?

I was really busy with school for pretty much all of November and most of December and then my brother came over for the holidays (and I fell back in Hellsword)

The amount of time paid off though since I got my grades and I had all As and an A+ (I guess I really am a nerd)

Although I had to see a teacher since he had made an error and registered my grade as a C-, which I definitely didn't felt reflected my actual grade.

School has restarted now and I have a kind of wacky schedule, but it's still pretty relaxed for now.

lux i can respect your theme because it isnt the awful aisha class


Void Princess?

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I'm a nerd (maybe I should use that as my title since I have none at the moment)


How have you been doing?

I'm humored that you did

I've been doing rather okay, the life and times of Slowedai are still boring to hear about though.

How's about you?

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whats with all these songs getting 80s synth mixes


I was really busy with school for pretty much all of November and most of December and then my brother came over for the holidays (and I fell back in Hellsword)

The amount of time paid off though since I got my grades and I had all As and an A+ (I guess I really am a nerd)

Although I had to see a teacher since he had made an error and registered my grade as a C-, which I definitely didn't felt reflected my actual grade.

School has restarted now and I have a kind of wacky schedule, but it's still pretty relaxed for now.

guessing stuff like finals and the like

how did a professor accidentally mark your grade as a c- instead of an A, sounds fishy to me


well, until some form of important tests rear their head in

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It's the one Aisha class I used the least, so I don't know how she compares gameplay wise, but she does have the worst design of the three by a pretty big margin

I'm humored that you did

I've been doing rather okay, the life and times of Slowedai are still boring to hear about though.

How's about you?


In short, I was pretty busy with school, but I was rewarded with exceptional grades (I had 100% on three of my finals and finished first in one of my class, maybe in others too, but I only got to see the rankings for one.) And I got to see my bro over the break, which is always nice.

whats with all these songs getting 80s synth mixes


guessing stuff like finals and the like

how did a professor accidentally mark your grade as a c- instead of an A, sounds fishy to me


well, until some form of important tests rear their head in

Finals were indeed taking all of my times. I pretty much studied non-stop for 5 days before my finals and I had to work on an oral presentation before that.

The teacher was surprised when I told him I had C-, because he had written A in his notes. Turns out he entered the grade of the person below me in the list by mistake in the official records.

If it's like last session, it's probably going to be mellow until march break and then become a rush till the end of April.

Unrelated to school, but I'm hype for BotW, but I'll probably hold on getting a switch until Xenoblade 2 since I can play Zelda on my Wii U.

And how have you been doing?

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