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Maybe they're doing it on purpose for, like, I don't know, 3rd OG reveals the Huckebein mk IV or something...

I wish

hue :v

what's up?

how's the WORLD CUP treating you?

Aside from the raining on and off for 5 days straight It's pretty fine over here, since I moved to my grandma's apartment for this World Cup break.

Not a lot of noise, but we had plenty of fireworks during São João though.

I'm sorry for your loss... I was about to wonder how you took that...

I'm more of a Gespenst guy myself though... but look on the bright side, I hear the Ex-bein breaks the game

EDIT: Or was it Ing...? I dunno

It happens, I'll survive. With my SDfied MkII-M. ;_;

Gespensts are pretty cool though, the custom ones were pretty great. Alteisen is always great too.

Ex-bein is cool and the Exexbein is amazing though, true.

thanks...it's still something i'm not completely sure about, though. i'm not considering a sex change operation. i mean i want to feel pretty, but i would rather just avoid sex/gender things

A friend majoring in medicine once told me he found gender to be a fluid concept, and I always found it interesting food for though.

I believe gender values are very imposed by society, but the way one identifies as male or female is pretty disconnect to that. If you feel right identifying as a 'she', then there shouldn't be much further you should look. A transgender person isn't necessarily defined by their dysphoria. If you feel hormone replacement therapy (which is fairly different to sex change surgery) is something that'd increase your comfort with yourself, I'd suggest seeking a therapist to talk things with. One that specializes in gender identity, so you know you won't be handled by somebody that opposes the idea of gender identity disorder.

Of course, though I try, I'm not the most educated in this topic, feel free to take what I say with the caution you feel right, and don't worry about rushing things.

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hm these alternate routes don't exist from what i can see

You may have to New game... I don't know what else is unlocked but I know that much is because instead of you and Yuka which leads to... you know, you'll be alone with takuma and aroe

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Aside from the raining on and off for 5 days straight It's pretty fine over here, since I moved to my grandma's apartment for this World Cup break.

Not a lot of noise, but we had plenty of fireworks during São João though.

tell me about it, thank god i didn't have class at college yesterday because of the game


the only noise i really get is from one of my neighbors reforming their house during the morning

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tell me about it, thank god i didn't have class at college yesterday because of the game


the only noise i really get is from one of my neighbors reforming their house during the morning

It's pretty cool that they're doing this thanks to the games. @.@

I'm glad my grandma lives on a hill, but there was still a lot of water.

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But you're the silliest

I am glad to be noticed ;~;

Nooo, you are! Don't talk back :P

Should've seen it yesterday, periodic bursts of 20 minutes or some other exaggeration

That's terrible, i can't stand silence in a thread i look at occasionally.

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Crysallia's such a diva

I don't know whether to take this positively or negatively. Heheh..

But I want you to be the silliest!


Fine, i'll be the silliest. No going back from here though. : )

It's too dangerous to go alone!! Take this.

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It's pretty cool that they're doing this thanks to the games. @.@

I'm glad my grandma lives on a hill, but there was still a lot of water.

they should have totally cancelled classes Wednesday and today so we could have the entire week off

my calculus professor at least did take it off...

oh nice, a hill? :o

i live in an apartment, so at least i don't get water inside my house, but being trapped inside is not exactly good @_@ not like i go out or anything

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Oh, trust me, its a compliment. No worries ^_^

Great. xD

What am I taking

I can't tell you, it's a secret to everyone. :v

Should've seen that coming, i did that to you once already.

Anyway, i'm heading off to bed. Good night children. o/

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Great. xD

I can't tell you, it's a secret to everyone. :v

Should've seen that coming, i did that to you once already.

Anyway, i'm heading off to bed. Good night children. o/

Oh you


Goodnight Silly-san

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Y'know, I feel ashamed of myself.

I've never played a decent amount of The World Ends With You, yet what I've seen of the characters in Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance encourages me to look for an actual game cart.

If anyone can help me with this simple wish, I'd be forever in debt.

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Not a lot. Woke up a bit ago, and now I'm doing nothing until my father decides to pick me up. You?

I stayed up all night because no matter how hard I tried I couldn't fucking fall asleep.

Also, Glac found me some fanart of Beat from The World Ends With You but it was one of the art types that I wasn't looking for, i.e. a chibi.

So I'm relatively pissed.

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