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Hello, Hi, Hey: I'm $$$ richh

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Am all right. You?

Worried, but alright.

It was a rather mediocre day. I was actually planning on going to London for a week, but most likely that will have to wait until next year. So that kinda ruined my mood.

As of now, I'm disgusted and amazed at the same time, if that makes sense

Digustingly amazed huh..that makes me really curious as to what it might be, but I'm not sure if I should ask ;v;''

page 3700

Weren't we on pg 3600 yesterday or the day before >:

No, Gill is from Street Fighter 3 3rd Strike.

Look him up, and watch any fight against him... he is absolute BS.

This is his theme.

Soukaa. He looks like the type of person that makes you rage really easily.

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Worried, but alright.

Digustingly amazed huh..that makes me really curious as to what it might be, but I'm not sure if I should ask ;v;''

Weren't we on pg 3600 yesterday or the day before >:

Soukaa. He looks like the type of person that makes you rage really easily.

It is the manga I mentioned before, Onani Master Kurosawa :/ Vulgar, but nontheless good.

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Worried, but alright.

Digustingly amazed huh..that makes me really curious as to what it might be, but I'm not sure if I should ask ;v;''

Weren't we on pg 3600 yesterday or the day before >:

Soukaa. He looks like the type of person that makes you rage really easily.

I think we did reach page 3600 yesterday

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oh yeah sorry, forgot about the one rule OTL

ANYWAYS, how has everyone been on this fine day

We could eat outside, and I picked (and ate) a bunch of wild straberries.

So, all in all, it's a pretty good day.

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Soukaa. He looks like the type of person that makes you rage really easily.

You know what the worst part about him is...?

When you beat him... when you land that that K.O. blow... you heave that sigh of relief, and then the game shouts: RESURRECTION!


You'll hear this line about a million times: "Kneel before your master"

Edited by Soledai
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