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If a god existed, he would have been the one to create science and tge world. The scientifical explanation would be the method twith which God created the world. A god has to be the ruler of the universe, if we don't take that for granted then he is no god, simple as that.

Or, even if assuming that you are right, and this is solely my definition of him, god still can't be illogical.

Paradxes and co tradictions can't exist in the real world. Otherwise the world would crumble. If god existed, and god were illogical, the worldwould have gone tp hell long since

I'm tired of this. You cannot be convinced and neither can I, there's no point.

religion topic only 8D

I would join in on this but phones

Quiet you.
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Why is it a problem.

Big bang theory?

Well, there are two big problems with it (probably more, but I'm no physics expert yet). First, it doesn't explain what came before it.

And second, it contradicts several scientifical laws from what I know, as it created mass out if nothing, an energy increase happened (energy has to be constant) and some others, which I sadly can't currently remember.

So how about that storm?

Lightning struck my house a few minutes ago, lol.

Since replying to the PM via phone diesn't work for some reason, you'll have to wait until this shitty wheather calmed down

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This begets a question. How does one deem things to be illogical? Logic itself is like, one's own explanation for things, yes? Every person has a different way of thinking, and by extension could be called their own form of logic that is theirs alone. And with that thought, wouldn't saying that something is illogical be an incorrect cover up of saying that one's logic is just a logic that you don't understand?

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This begets a question. How does one deem things to be illogical? Logic itself is like, one's own explanation for things, yes? Every person has a different way of thinking, and by extension could be called their own form of logic that is theirs alone. And with that thought, wouldn't saying that something is illogical be an incorrect cover up of saying that one's logic is just a logic that you don't understand?

Things that people understand and reason to are deemed logical.

Things that aren't get the shaft.

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This begets a question. How does one deem things to be illogical? Logic itself is like, one's own explanation for things, yes? Every person has a different way of thinking, and by extension could be called their own form of logic that is theirs alone. And with that thought, wouldn't saying that something is illogical be an incorrect cover up of saying that one's logic is just a logic that you don't understand?

Considering that half the people I know hate my logic, and I in turn hate theirs, I suppose.
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This begets a question. How does one deem things to be illogical? Logic itself is like, one's own explanation for things, yes? Every person has a different way of thinking, and by extension could be called their own form of logic that is theirs alone. And with that thought, wouldn't saying that something is illogical be an incorrect cover up of saying that one's logic is just a logic that you don't understand?

Something is only truly illogical if it causes a contradiction ir paradox. Also, logic has to be a train of thought most can follow. If I say something completely absurd in the eyes of majority, then it would be good to assume it was illogical

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Religion has been viewed as illogical, yet that is still widely accepted

Again, depends on the religion in question. Many have been shot down already due to being bs. A god CAN exist according to logic, he jzst has to have certain attributes that ensure he doesn't cause a paradox
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Because those who believe its logical follow it.

Well, people as said also believe the earth is flat. Those are being illogical.

Religion isn't necessarily illogical, which is why it still exists

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