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@Sol: Nahh no need to apologize. Lack of sleep does things to people!

Haha, that it does, that it does... currently ingesting meal, wil sleep after about 20 or so more minutes.

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Oh hey Saffron o: It's nice to meet you!

@Loca: Oh god please don't murder anyone ;n; You can do it! Did you splash cold water on yourself yet?

I won't kill anyone of importance,don't worry,and I did that;going now,so I'll see you all later!
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Hm.. I'm actually doing pretty good.. What about you?

Great to hear.

I'm doing all right, just a bit sleepy and hungry(fixing that though) and watching some YT vids to pass the time.

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[8/18/14 5:23:10 AM] Euklydia: as much fun as pretending to write up an LP is, I think I need to sleep
[8/18/14 5:23:24 AM] Euklydia: goodnight

g'night you guys as well

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You've to call him "Soup".

He's mostly made of noodles and tomato juice.

No, I am not >_>

hi people who are lurking o wo)/

Hi Kitty, long time no see. How are you?

Oh right, he's soup, heh, I forgot about that.

Kills Sol

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nighty night euk, have a nice rest

@Dennis: Hey clone! //shot It has been a while. There has been some problems here and there so somewhat alright I suppose. How about yourself?

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nighty night euk, have a nice rest

@Dennis: Hey clone! //shot It has been a while. There has been some problems here and there so somewhat alright I suppose. How about yourself?

Hi Kitty, I had some issues too, most of them related to my thesis. However, I got through most of my obstacles now and I am making the final sprint towards graduation. I hope everything is fine though, I am sorry that I haven't been talkative lately. But know that you're always welcome to knock at my door when there's something you need help with ;) I should spam you more

Wow, I was splattered on sight ._.

But hey Soul, how goes?

See post above. Doing fine, just having the final verification runs of my simulations ;)

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@Dennis: Ew winky face get away you creep D: Though yey! After that long period of time, you can finally graduate that living hell that you like to do. Please don't spam me though LOL

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