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Hello, Hi, Hey: I'm $$$ richh

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Morning Fre!

Hallo! Been awhile, I know. >.<

Hmmm, what's it about again?

Oh no.....that really sucks..... D:

I usually like to take a couple of buttered english muffins for breakfast when I don't have time to eat in the morning.

Tired after lots of work, but I have today off so time to relax.

English muffins sound like a doable quick fix I could take with me and eat on the break at 7am. Or if I get up early enough before the chickens, I could stop at the coffee place I pass on my way to work and get a breakfast sandwich. I'm really not looking forward to tomorrow. I think it's two hours earlier now because some people complained about staying over two hours so HR made it two hours earlier instead.
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When are you getting home?

He's sick again :< (you're going to have to wait longer for what comes after the cliffhanger then)

It's been a while (I think the PMs been dead for 2-4 weeks)

I had completely forgotten about that Swirlix.... Do you still want a Sturdy Carbink in exchange?(I have a 6IV one that I can trade)

I knooooow! The wait will be terrible, but his health does come first.

Sowwy. My ADD must be getting worse; can't seem to concentrate on multiple things easily nowadays and I've always been scatterbrained... >_<

Hellz yeah, I'll take that; anything to lessen the breeding is welcome!

Ohhh, Tales is nice. is there like an easy way to grind or something? Since Pokemon became Disgaea I don't really have much interest in it.

But uh SGDQ? That's the games done quick, no?

And, poor poor Chuggaa, I've only just heard of this guy and he's so sick

Ohh, I'm kinda curious to see it.

Not for where I'm at in the game yet; I do actually want to try beating the Sword Dancer final form for once in this playthrough, so I might be grinding mid-to-late game. And it's not like I have people around to play with anyways atm (My older sister is in Italy for a few weeks, my little sister is on the other side of the country, and my little bro is at school whenever I'm off).

And since when has Pokemon been anywhere near Disgaea's level of grinding? The insane leveling you have to do in those games doesn't compare. That's why I prefer Soul Nomad overall; shame it's always overshadowed by Disgaea....

Yea, I was busy during June, so I didn't catch it live; the recordings on Youtube are perfect for background entertainment while I'm doing monotonous training.

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I jus dun like it

You folks can carry on doing it, though

Are a worshiper of the Dome then?

I think we're done

I knooooow! The wait will be terrible, but his health does come first.

Sowwy. My ADD must be getting worse; can't seem to concentrate on multiple things easily nowadays and I've always been scatterbrained... >_<

Hellz yeah, I'll take that; anything to lessen the breeding is welcome!

Not for where I'm at in the game yet; I do actually want to try beating the Sword Dancer final form for once in this playthrough, so I might be grinding mid-to-late game. And it's not like I have people around to play with anyways atm (My older sister is in Italy for a few weeks, my little sister is on the other side of the country, and my little bro is at school whenever I'm off).

And since when has Pokemon been anywhere near Disgaea's level of grinding? The insane leveling you have to do in those games doesn't compare. That's why I prefer Soul Nomad overall; shame it's always overshadowed by Disgaea....

Yea, I was busy during June, so I didn't catch it live; the recordings on Youtube are perfect for background entertainment while I'm doing monotonous training.

I can tell you what happens next :smug:

No problem. Maybe you're difficulty to concentrate could be linked to you being tired. From what I've seen, you've been busy pretty much non-stop for the last couple of weeks. (and I'll try not too add another wall of text in the PM. I don't even remember what my latest was about... I know I made a small one about Xenoblade and Arkada.)

Alright, I just have to finish eating and I'll be able to come online to trade.

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Not for where I'm at in the game yet; I do actually want to try beating the Sword Dancer final form for once in this playthrough, so I might be grinding mid-to-late game. And it's not like I have people around to play with anyways atm (My older sister is in Italy for a few weeks, my little sister is on the other side of the country, and my little bro is at school whenever I'm off).

And since when has Pokemon been anywhere near Disgaea's level of grinding? The insane leveling you have to do in those games doesn't compare. That's why I prefer Soul Nomad overall; shame it's always overshadowed by Disgaea....

Yea, I was busy during June, so I didn't catch it live; the recordings on Youtube are perfect for background entertainment while I'm doing monotonous training.

Ohh, you never beat the Sword Dancer's final form? Where are you in the game atm?

What I mean is all the grinding you have to do to get these strong things, in Disgaea, tbh, it's the weapons and not really you, In pokemon AFAIK, it not even the pokemon itself, but the nature of the pokemon that determines it, and the EV or IV build for it and all that stuff. though, >_> In disgaea, they give you tools and stages for that grinding, and I agree that Soul Nomad was one of NIS's best works.

Ohh, neat. I haven't really watched his stuff yet, I've only recently heard of it, I may if he has something that pertains to my interest. lel monotonous training

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Ohh, you never beat the Sword Dancer's final form? Where are you in the game atm?

What I mean is all the grinding you have to do to get these strong things, in Disgaea, tbh, it's the weapons and not really you, In pokemon AFAIK, it not even the pokemon itself, but the nature of the pokemon that determines it, and the EV or IV build for it and all that stuff. though, >_> In disgaea, they give you tools and stages for that grinding, and I agree that Soul Nomad was one of NIS's best works.

Ohh, neat. I haven't really watched his stuff yet, I've only recently heard of it, I may if he has something that pertains to my interest. lel monotonous training

Nature, EVs and IVs are only relevant if you're playing pokemon competitively. In X/Y, the new exp. share made leveling up your pokemon really easy while playing through the main story (and they even simplified the Nature, IV and EV thing)

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Gee GEE~!

What do you wanna watch played Kimbo?

I just got curious at this too, what would Kim like to watch get played?


I'm not sure

I don't really like /watching/ LPs in the first place so ???

I guess anything as long as the commentary is super swell and the game isn't gory or scary

did you thing btw

once Edited by Kinumi
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