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Hello, Hi, Hey: I'm $$$ richh

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Have we read any novels made by this company?

Also, have you heard of Caucasus? (Caucasus Nanatsuki no Nie, full name)

I presume you've read something from Alicesoft.

I don't remember the name offhand, but it may have crossed my path at some point.

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I presume you've read something from Alicesoft.

I don't remember the name offhand, but it may have crossed my path at some point.

*looks at big list of Alicesoft works*

...wow, how have I not read any Alicesoft works... >.<

But is it Daiteikoku?

*sees first name in character list*



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A save file is not illegal content, if that's what you're asking.

...It is unfortunate to have to play with everything unlocked already from the start though with a 100% save, if that's what you're suggesting.

Edit: I'll screenshot something from the game in question.

Edited by Balcerzak
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holy shit you guys haven't posted in this thread for three hours

were you waiting all this time until the exact moment you could say that?

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That was a nice sleep.

I completely understand this.

It makes me yearn for more knowledge.

Excellent, a brother in this.

It does indeed, but the feeling of not knowing much grows exponentially still...

I never bothered to do an in depth search, but my great-grandmother's surname was D'Aragon and I know a king of Spain was called Ferdinand D'Aragon so...

Duuuude if you were that would be pretty awesome!

One of my ancestors was among the barons that forced King John to sign the Magna Carta.


Wow everyone is maybe from cooler royalty ;___;

Whoaaaa we learned about Cyrus in our world history class lately! Now I can proudly say I knew someone who was a descendant o: ! Sadly I am not royalty though..but! My parents told me we might be descendants of Genghis Khan so I am pretty cool with that. Though the life of learning is a great journey! Especially when going to those national/international libraries *A*//

there's only ONE classroom in the fourth floor too, it's crazy! But thanks friend, I appreciate the compliment ohoho

See you..in the night over here!


Wasn't he great?! Proclaim it proudly!


It is indeed! I have sadly not been to any libraries, haha. But we have a lot of books to learn from at home, so I've been making use of those for now, and then I suppose when I run out of books I'll head to a library!

The architect must have been insane! You're welcome, kukuku.

Is it night yet?

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