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Hello, Hi, Hey: I'm $$$ richh

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I say switch

alrighty then

isn't there a megaman enemy suited for that

for what?

My bias is towards Yumizuka, so, I also say switch.

I see. I she ur waifu

Edited by shinpichu.
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[9:24:29 PM] Kim: WHOA SHINPICHU

[9:24:32 PM] Tristian, The Sock: rare footage of shin using skype

[9:24:39 PM] shinpichu: bullshit

[9:24:45 PM] shinpichu: there's no such thing

[9:24:50 PM] Kim: of course

[9:24:51 PM] PKLucas531: someone shoot him

[9:24:53 PM] shinpichu: shinpichu never uses skype

[9:24:53 PM] Kim: how could I say that

[9:24:53 PM] PKLucas531: quick

[9:25:00 PM] Tristian, The Sock: lol

[9:25:02 PM] shinpichu: *shoots shinpichu*

[9:25:08 PM] PKLucas531: we got him

[9:26:25 PM] Nobody: Nobody will miss shinpichu

[9:27:37 PM] Tristian, The Sock: [9:26 PM] Nobody:

<<< Nobody will miss shinpichu

[9:28:00 PM] Nobody: Nobody will miss shock

Edited by Sockmaster
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what the fuck shiki


"OMG Hisui, you cut your finger! We need to treat it! I know what to do, I'll lick the blood of your wound!"


Edited by shinpichu.
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