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I have; Mega Beedrill is looking powerful. So is Mega Sceptile


I was wondering how they were going to make M-Beedrill viable with it's BST. I shouldn't have worried. Mega-Sceptile looks great. Mega-Metagross looks great stat-wise as well.

And I remember people worrying about Primal Kyogre breaking ubers. Good thing for them, GF thought Kyogre really needed 50 more attack.

Mega-Rayquaza on the other hand...

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I can't remember the base stats for the others, to be honest--I'm just too hyped about Sakurai saying he's showing off the "true potential of Smash Bros." soon

I am not ready

What is this?

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Saw it, like, two days ago. Very nice! Treble looks legit

What is this?

As for differences between the versions of the game, Sakurai stated that an announcement – possibly a Nintendo Direct – highlighting the exclusive features of the Wii U version that will show the "true potential of Smash Bros." was currently in the works and will be released soon.

[spoiler=Also, ORAS' rich boy looks so smug]0Q4rWX6.png

I like it

Edited by Dusk Hunt Dodge
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Saw it, like, two days ago. Very nice! Treble looks legit

I like it

Oh my.

My smash hype is getting high because I made the mistake of trying the full game. Now I'm playing the demo to lower my desire to buy the game.

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Oh my.

My smash hype is getting high because I made the mistake of trying the full game. Now I'm playing the demo to lower my desire to buy the game.

Is it doing a good job?

feeling so weird right now


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Is it doing a good job?


It's doing a decent job. I would like to play more character, but I'm having fun with it. Surprisingly, Link is the character I like to use the most from the 5 you can choose.

Has the BST for mega salamence been revealed yet? It really needs to raise that 100 speed.



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