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I don't even know what I have.. And yes, I am doing it XD

Oh that's... oh my, well for peace of mind, let's say you just have a cold >w>

Good good, don't mind me, I tend to get a bit worried about my friends when I hear stuff like this.

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I return to a dead thread. I'll just leave my happy birthday wishes for Vibe (yes, I'm calling you that now) then.

May you enjoy your birthday and may you enjoy many more birthdays and may your reign over the socks of this world be ever unending!

And to all the Egypt fanboys and fangirls: yea, the land of My Brother is great, but Hatti is obviously the cool stuff.

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Egypt is pretty cool. Except a tramp tried to sell me garbage. The rep sorted him out, though. The pyramids and seeing Tutankhamun's death mask (is that what it's called?) was pretty awesome

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Morning thread.

I'm sorry, I couldn't help it. There was a gimmick in the chapter.

Nah you're fine. There's like this thing, with me and palla, where constantly lets me down, if you saw Shin's FE3 girls lp, you might know what I'm talking about

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[spoiler=Bal and Arya]Well, so far R11's story is moving at a good pace, after the first 'incident' that takes place, the mystery commences, no one seems to know who you are and no one believes you are who you claim you are for a certain reason. o:

In the beginning there were split scenarios like in Ever17, though I'm not sure if you get to 'pick a route' or something, I'll delve deeper and inform you of my findings.

Other than that, the pacing of the story is good so far, the character are okay so far, and the atmosphere is great. (Likes snowstorms).

And another feature I like is the music track display, there was this one ambient song playing(Delusive Consciousness amb.), I think I found my current favorite song in the novel so far.

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Palla is actually my less favourite of the Pegasus Trio.

Her growths are just too awfull.

Catria is obviously my favourite because she's perfectly balanced

and far better availiability than Est, it's almost an objective fact that Catria is best.

But, like I said, Palla disappointing me is a bit of a joking thing in Shin's FE3 lp

Also hey.

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Hibye then.

and far better availiability than Est, it's almost an objective fact that Catria is best.

But, like I said, Palla disappointing me is a bit of a joking thing in Shin's FE3 lp

Also hey.

Actually, in Gaiden, I'd say Est is slightly better, because she can abuse the Angel Ring more.


How are you today ?

snowstorms huh

Hey Bal !

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Actually, in Gaiden, I'd say Est is slightly better, because she can abuse the Angel Ring more.


How are you today ?

I actually mean to playthrough Gaiden again, one of these days.

I'm okay and yourself?

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I actually mean to playthrough Gaiden again, one of these days.

I'm okay and yourself?

I'm fine.

I just beat some hard boss in Fantasy Life, so that's cool

Good morning thread

Thanks Shy

Thanks Hatti

You guys are rad

Hello !

I hope you'll have a wonderfull day.

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