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I'm looking at a French FE11 walkthrough, and I've come to the conclusion that the French have translated Draug's name all wrong.

Okay, 'Edgar' is not that far from what it should have been ('Edrag'), but it's still not right.

Counterargument: 'Edrag' sounds stupid, and at least 'Edgar' is pronounceable.

Actually Edrag is easier to pronounce than Edgar. (Egdar would be eaiser to pronounce, but sounds reailly weird.)

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In French? Hmm, I see...

Well, you have the "G" just after the "D" one, it cut the world in half.

Edrag is similar to the French world "Draguer" who means hitting on, flirting.

Which makes me thinks...

"Edgar, le garde dragueur".

Doesn't it sounds great ? Not really accurate, though...

"Edgar le solide soldat" Yeah...

"Edgar, la frontière infranchissable".

"Edgar, la forteresse infrangible". Yeah, I like this one the best (it means "the unbreakable fortress". Pretty badass, uh ?)


And as a bonus :

"Sain, le cavalier cavaleur".

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also toon link feels a bit awkward

i definitely prefer his down air to link's tho, the latter is too slow :/

Don't forget the usmash.

Hello, Glac

Your mood getting better?

I guess. A lot of the stress has gone down.

I agree

Waifu tier op

I prefer Pit. Because blue wings

That is a pretty sweet alt.
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Well, you have the "G" just after the "D" one, it cut the world in half.

That's my current thought. Am I correct in supposing pronunciations would be:

Ed/gar vs. E/drag

The latter is indeed more fluent.

The nickname is nice.

You've done it now. I am now in translating mode and will not be stopped.

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