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Ah man, Halloween was probably one of the best things that happened this year for me. A couple of friends and I dressed up as the animals from Five Nights at Freddy's in an attempt to get candy. Though it's nice to see you're doing alright o/ iirc, your favorite color was green right?

I suppose so! It's been a while since I seen that game; Friends used to play it a lot before school started and now have no time for it

[spoiler=hi sol]203a967d9f.png

I used to play it a lot as well, especially Summer 2013 (where I put my name as a reserve player for a small competitive team), but when school started, I stopped playing it. I started the game 5 or so months later only to see that all the practice I had put in had vanished >v> I still sometimes boot the game and go screw around on 2Fort. (though I've mostly been playing DOTA 2 lately. Not that it's going any better thanks to the beautiful community this game has.)

And that drawing is really great Kitty!

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its is i

the Sockmaster

[spoiler=Yearbook quotes as of now]

Ace Tactictian ~ Don't remind me
Alicia ~ Imbeciles!
AnonymousSpeed ~ You live some, you learn some
Breezy ~ Go play Sakura Wars. Now.
Comet ~ well most of the people who come here are in Kin's reverse harem so yeah
DodgeDusk ~ [:
Draco ~ Fite me irl. Do u evn lift m8?
Euklyd ~ thanks you too
Freor Datia ~ weeeeeee~ ^o^
Glaceon Mage ~ 10/10
Hashuni Mei ~ howdy hey
Hattusili I ~ Meanwhile I still don't even have a quote for the yearbook.
Hero-King ~ Welp
xXHoshiHeartsXx ~ wat
John The Tactician ~ #GanonisCanon,
Kinumi ~ YEAH
Knee ~ nope sorry
Knight ~ I feel tired today
Koneko ~ thanks, friend
Lettuce ~ yes
Livin La Vida Loca ~ I'm feeling pretty swell
LuxSpes ~ >v>
Makaze ~ When one of you thinks of me, i am already among you
Mayora ~ Anything that can possible go wrong, does
Naughx ~ :P
Nightmare ~ fuck the hulk hogan
Nobody ~ I neither agree nor disagree, quite the contrary
PKLucas531 ~ Life goes on!
Refa ~ haha
SecondWorld ~ Kinda
shinpichu ~ fuck you
Shirley ~ penguin
Shockmaster ~ Totally rad
Shy Tenda ~ Hello Hi Hey!
Silver Lightning ~ Hallo
Soledai ~ >_>
Sorin ~ ...
Sophia ~ fggt
Tonton ~ Stop multiposting
WaluigiWeegee ~ Hello
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Like a true ronin warrior

the one and only

That's super cool! I just picked up that game recently, got pretty destroyed by Foxy on the 3rd night for like, five times in a row until I figured out how to really handle him. Then it was easy for the most part. I haven't done 6th or custom nights yet though, so I'm probably talking out of my ass if there's a huge difficulty spike, but it was still a pretty enjoyable. Considering I got it in a bundle with some other games and spent all of $5 it was well worth it.

Indeed, I've always had a thing for green. I do enjoy some other colors too, but it wouldn't really feel right calling them "favorite", you know?

That image looks very Romance of the Three Kingdomsy to me. Good job!

Yeah! Though I feel bad for scaring so many people in order to get that candy. I still can't get passed the 4th night so I ragequit soonafter ;___; It amazes me when the other people I see on youtube beat the 7th night with all of the A.I. lvl 20

But thanks, I'll keep that in mind for...non-suspicious things yes : D

Oh in matter of fact, my inspiration for it was the Romance of the Three Kingdoms how convenient haha

Whao, awesome

When is my picture? =w=

thank friend

you know that takes time gimme a momentos while I go stalk ask you questions on skype

I used to play it a lot as well, especially Summer 2013 (where I put my name as a reserve player for a small competitive team), but when school started, I stopped playing it. I started the game 5 or so months later only to see that all the practice I had put in had vanished >v> I still sometimes boot the game and go screw around on 2Fort. (though I've mostly been playing DOTA 2 lately. Not that it's going any better thanks to the beautiful community this game has.)

And that drawing is really great Kitty!

Oh you were competitive? Huh, didn't know about that! Welllllll practice always make perfect yep yep

Though wait, is the community still mad about that one thing from a while back? (I know we talked about it at one point, but I can't put it to my mind what exactly it was about :c)

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its is i

the Sockmaster

[spoiler=Yearbook quotes as of now]

Ace Tactictian ~ Don't remind me
Alicia ~ Imbeciles!
AnonymousSpeed ~ You live some, you learn some
Breezy ~ Go play Sakura Wars. Now.
Comet ~ well most of the people who come here are in Kin's reverse harem so yeah
DodgeDusk ~ [:
Draco ~ Fite me irl. Do u evn lift m8?
Euklyd ~ thanks you too
Freor Datia ~ weeeeeee~ ^o^
Glaceon Mage ~ 10/10
Hashuni Mei ~ howdy hey
Hattusili I ~ Meanwhile I still don't even have a quote for the yearbook.
Hero-King ~ Welp
xXHoshiHeartsXx ~ wat
John The Tactician ~ #GanonisCanon,
Kinumi ~ YEAH
Knee ~ nope sorry
Knight ~ I feel tired today
Koneko ~ thanks, friend
Lettuce ~ yes
Livin La Vida Loca ~ I'm feeling pretty swell
LuxSpes ~ >v>
Makaze ~ When one of you thinks of me, i am already among you
Mayora ~ Anything that can possible go wrong, does
Naughx ~ :P
Nightmare ~ fuck the hulk hogan
Nobody ~ I neither agree nor disagree, quite the contrary
PKLucas531 ~ Life goes on!
Refa ~ haha
SecondWorld ~ Kinda
shinpichu ~ fuck you
Shirley ~ penguin
Shockmaster ~ Totally rad
Shy Tenda ~ Hello Hi Hey!
Silver Lightning ~ Hallo
Soledai ~ >_>
Sorin ~ ...
Sophia ~ fggt
Tonton ~ Stop multiposting
WaluigiWeegee ~ Hello

How about "Well," since I start so many sentences with it.

thank friend

you know that takes time gimme a momentos while I go stalk ask you questions on skype


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Seriously though. You're so talented.

And I...

*dramatic sigh to stall for time, while I collect my thoughts*

GOOD JOB *⁽⁽ ◝꒰´꒳`∗꒱◟ ₎₎

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Oh you were competitive? Huh, didn't know about that! Welllllll practice always make perfect yep yep

Though wait, is the community still mad about that one thing from a while back? (I know we talked about it at one point, but I can't put it to my mind what exactly it was about :c)

I never played in a competitive match, but I played pubs and practice with comp level people (albeit low-level ones) and I played pretty well as scout in a 1v1 mod.

No, the 'Diretide incident' allowed the community to show how toxic it is to the whole world. It's always like that. In most of my games, I play with people who have no idea how to play, which is not something bad in itself, since we all have to start somewhere, but then these people proceed to commit horrible mistakes and then insult other people. I often end up muting 'team mates'. The opponents aren't much better themselves. The biggest problem is how 'srs bsns' every one is. If I compare to TF2, I can start a game and play badly and no one will care most of the time. I can play the game for fun and fool around if I want. In Dota 2, you have to play to win because the moment you make a mistake, someone will be there to insult you. Which is why people say it's more enjoyable to play the game with 4 other friends. Problem is that I only have 1 person to play with (my brother).

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Also leaving what i have an idea for superlatives

b/c nobody gives input until i put it on the thread ' ^ '


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Most Obsessed with Flowers: Breezy. Just let Breezy have this one
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