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Hello, Hi, Hey: I'm $$$ richh

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She's an incredibly annoying, loud, obnoxious, hokkikomori-catering character.

She starts bad, yes she gets good, but dealing with her is almost not worth it at all.

ok guys

I downloaded many new things recently, including but not limited to:

Fate Zero

At a fate virgin, i think i'm suopposed to start here, so I will

Start with Fsn, if you're into vns

I don't mean this to sound like "you shouldn't have come back"

But... that was quite a bit of drama you stirred up, and now it just seems like it was all over nothing in the end...

If anything I mean this to sound like "you need to try to learn to think before taking such drastic actions"

Although I know that's difficult when feeling upset... Siiiiiiiigh idkkkkkkkkkkk

It's good that you're feeling better, though

Actually, John didn't start it.

Everyone else and their assumptions started it and everyone went along with it.

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Shorter version, ability > personality, and both start bad... and only one of them gets better.(she has her... moment, but other than that, she's a no for me)

In Fate Extra CCC, I started my file over due to how annoying she was, but then again, in CCC Gil is playable and the game is easy mode with him.

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That was a typo actually, it's Hikikokimori, but Hikikomori is a shut in, a recluse basically, and usually of the otaku variety.

My apologies, I just generalized, and I normally don't do that.

But Gil breaks the game though <w<... even the game calls him a cheat character >w>

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And specifically because you dislike Sakura, CCC is the equivalent to Heavens Feel, focal point is Sakura.

Even 3 of the villians look like Sakura.

Edited by Soledai
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