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you can run it w/ dosbox

alternatively, open the rom in a hex editor (HxD is free) and write 512 bytes of zeroes at the start of the rom.

How big is your rom(in terms of bytes)? If your rom is headered it should be 4,194,816. If it's not it'll be 4,194,304.

well its not headered

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[22:04:10] Wilfred Dion: Maka

[22:04:19] Wilfred Dion: send me hot pictures of stoves

[22:04:53] Makaze: I don't share my stoves.

[22:04:54] xXHoshiHeartsXx: what

[22:05:00] xXHoshiHeartsXx: oh wait

[22:05:06] Wilfred Dion: You will soon, bby

[22:05:12] Wilfred Dion: You will soon...

[22:05:30] Makaze: How do you expect that to happen?

[22:05:46] Wilfred Dion: I don't

[22:05:58] Wilfred Dion: Which is exactly why it will one day happen

[22:06:11] Wilfred Dion: You must always expect the unexpected.

[22:06:27] Makaze: You are under arrest for logiccrime.

[22:06:50] Wilfred Dion: You'll never take me alive!

[22:07:02] **Wilfred Dion runs**

[22:07:08] **Wen Yang pokes Monde and Cancer**

[22:07:15] **Makaze shoots**

[22:07:31] Makaze: That worked out.

[22:07:48] Wilfred Dion: I've no regrets but... that... I didn't see Maka's hot stoves...

[22:07:49] **Wilfred Dion dies**

We strike again.


Edited by Makaze
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[10:09:54 PM] Tristian. S: the light blue haired chick is riru right?

[10:10:22 PM] Mei Starr: yeah

[10:10:34 PM] Mei Starr: i only got to speak to her once

[10:10:44 PM] Mei Starr: she is reaaaaally shy

[10:10:49 PM | Edited 10:10:52 PM] Mei Starr: worse than me

[10:11:17 PM] Tristian. S: awww

[10:13:13 PM] Mei Starr: yeah <w<

[10:13:44 PM] Tristian. S: lets tell Kim, and Kitty to hug her for all of us >w>

[10:14:16 PM] Mei Starr: I'm sure they would too : 3

[10:15:48 PM] Tristian. S: the should especially be like

[10:16:13 PM | Edited 10:16:27 PM] Tristian. S: "this hug is for a friend of both of ours, you dont know him, but he insisted we hug you for him"

[10:16:20 PM] Tristian. S: hes a creep like that

[10:17:38 PM] Mei Starr: haha

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