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[9:20:58 PM] Alicia & Shadowfrost: massive amount of girl talk

[9:21:01 PM] Alicia & Shadowfrost: so lol

[9:21:43 PM] Dani: welp, considering there aren't a lot of girls around, we thought it would be great to make this place more feminine :P

[9:21:55 PM] Dani: Maybe add a few vases and flowers here and there?

[9:23:27 PM] Alicia & Shadowfrost: yes

[9:23:33 PM] Alicia & Shadowfrost: and pretty drapes

[9:24:01 PM] Dani: Oh, oh! Can they be like, pink with tiny little red hearts?

[9:24:14 PM] Alicia & Shadowfrost: Yesssssss they can

[9:24:21 PM] Dani: Perfect!

[9:24:26 PM] Alicia & Shadowfrost: : D

[9:24:49 PM] Alicia & Shadowfrost: silly boys

[9:25:37 PM] Dani: Finally, this now looks more home-y!

[9:25:43 PM] Alicia & Shadowfrost: Yaaaaaaaaaaaay

[9:26:49 PM] Dani: (I actually felt tempted to change this group's image to a pink background with heart shapes but then I realized I'd only be traumatizing myself).

[9:27:18 PM] Arya S.: lemme

[9:27:23 PM] Arya S.: bring some cakes and cookies

[9:27:34 PM] Arya S.: so the warm fragrance of food is everywhere

[9:27:40 PM] Dani: Oh! I'll prepare the tea!

[9:27:50 PM] Arya S.: also I can't see the group pic ><

[9:28:00 PM] Arya S.: woe is me

[9:28:15 PM] Dani: I don't think you're missing much xD but I'll share it with you:

[9:28:34 PM] Dani: jsicktheslick.files.wordpress.com/2014/02/bravely-default-ringabel-performer.png

[9:28:50 PM] Arya S.: ew----uhhh- oooh

[9:28:52 PM] Dani: It's literally this. Don't ask me, I don't know how Alicia's head works either xD

[9:29:07 PM] Arya S.: Let's let our love fill the place with femininity

[9:29:50 PM] Dani: ^(I'm so going to remember that sentence for future use xD)

[9:30:14 PM] Arya S.: xDD

[9:30:21 PM] Arya S.: Credit me or royalty~

[9:30:31 PM] Dani: xDD

[9:30:54 PM] Dani: This place will now be filled of rainbows and unicorns through the sheer power of feminine love.

[9:31:04 PM] Arya S.: let's

[9:31:15 PM] Arya S.: mark our existences in this place

[9:32:40 PM] Dani: Because love can make everything more cozy, and if Marisa's Love Sign attacks are anything to go by, it can also be used and explosive fuel so you guys better learn that the right place to leave your shoes, is not "scattered around the place".

[9:33:04 PM] Arya S.: yayy

[9:33:16 PM] Arya S.: Arya S. puts on a red hat with a feather on top

[9:34:25 PM] Arya S.: Yayyyy (heart)

[9:34:28 PM] Dani: Let us enjoy this moment before Alicia's change it back xD

[9:34:32 PM] Arya S.: Arya S. puts a banner on Dani

[9:34:34 PM] Arya S.: Screenclip it

[9:34:40 PM] Arya S.: so everyone knows it exists!

[9:35:09 PM] Dani: Ok, I took a screenie xD

[9:35:14 PM] Arya S.: Me too xD

[9:35:29 PM | Edited 9:35:33 PM] Arya S.: So we have 2 copies and no one is gonna mess with our beautiful memories < 3

[9:35:43 PM] Arya S.: Arya S. scatters flowers all around the places

[9:36:02 PM] Dani: Mwahahaha! >8D

[9:36:22 PM] Dani: I'm gonna put it on imgur, even if my PC dies, this moment will be saved in the internets

[9:37:02 PM] Arya S.: Yayyy

[9:37:09 PM] Arya S.: It's on my Gyazo as well < 3

[9:37:19 PM] Alicia & Shadowfrost: Oh my

[9:37:24 PM] Arya S.: red flowers, white flowers, shiny flowers and fluffy cats < 3

[9:37:47 PM] Dani: Fluffy kittens everywhere!

[9:38:08 PM] Alicia & Shadowfrost: so girly

[9:38:26 PM] Alicia & Shadowfrost: Alicia & Shadowfrost puts rose petals all over

[9:38:56 PM] Dani: www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SI6rhotAkE

[9:40:10 PM] Alicia & Shadowfrost: lol

[9:40:21 PM] Alicia & Shadowfrost: Alicia & Shadowfrost throws more fluffy kittens

[9:40:25 PM] Arya S.: yay

[9:41:04 PM] Dani: (I can only imagine the others' reactions when they see this tomorrow).

[9:41:18 PM] Alzack13: so I updated skype

[9:41:20 PM] Alzack13: it's not that bad

[9:41:30 PM] Alicia & Shadowfrost: no more screen share for alzack

[9:41:31 PM] Alicia & Shadowfrost: gg

[9:41:36 PM | Edited 9:41:51 PM] Dani: Ahahah! Alzack has joined the dark side!

[9:41:42 PM] Alzack13: what, they remove it?

[9:41:45 PM] Alicia & Shadowfrost: Yeah

[9:41:48 PM] Alzack13: eh

[9:41:51 PM] Alicia & Shadowfrost: You can't use it anymore

[9:41:52 PM] Alzack13: it wasn't great anyways

[9:41:55 PM] Dani: xD

[9:41:56 PM] Alicia & Shadowfrost: yeah

[9:42:05 PM] Alicia & Shadowfrost: but now you're dead to me

[9:42:12 PM] Alzack13: I like pictures next to names

[9:42:15 PM] Alzack13: and didn't YOU update?

[9:42:18 PM] Dani: See?

[9:42:25 PM] Dani: He agrees with me xD

[9:42:25 PM] Alicia & Shadowfrost: On my laptop i did

[9:42:29 PM] Alzack13: ah

[9:42:35 PM] Alicia & Shadowfrost: On my desktop haha no

[9:42:40 PM] Alicia & Shadowfrost: but yeah you're dead to me

[9:42:41 PM] Alzack13: well, I wasn't gonna avoid never turning my PC off

[9:42:43 PM] Alzack13: so it was inevitable

[9:42:58 PM] Alzack13: it'll happen to you too

[9:43:01 PM] Alzack13: when your PC crashes

[9:43:04 PM] Alzack13: or power goes out

[9:43:09 PM] Alzack13: JUST ACCEPT THIS FATE

[9:43:11 PM] Alicia & Shadowfrost: I turned off automatic updates

[9:43:12 PM] Dani: xD

[9:43:17 PM] Alicia & Shadowfrost: It'll NEVER happen

[9:43:18 PM] Alzack13: oh

[9:43:23 PM] Alzack13: well

[9:43:24 PM] Dani: You can't run forever.

[9:43:28 PM] Alzack13: ^

[9:43:35 PM] Alicia & Shadowfrost: i plan to stall out this war

[9:43:37 PM] Dani: Someday they will force you to do it.

[9:43:42 PM] Alzack13: I kinda wish they didnt' put you on the right, though

[9:43:48 PM] Alzack13: I want my name and pic like everyone elses

[9:43:50 PM] Alicia & Shadowfrost: gg

[9:44:00 PM] Dani: Yeah, same

[9:44:19 PM] Alicia & Shadowfrost: can we girlyfy Alzack already or no

[9:44:22 PM] Dani: But at least now I can see everyone's avies.


[9:44:32 PM] Dani: We can

[9:44:37 PM] Dani: actually, we must.

[9:44:37 PM] Alicia & Shadowfrost: okay great

[9:44:45 PM] Alicia & Shadowfrost: Alicia & Shadowfrost puts Alzack in a dress

[9:44:56 PM] Alzack13: oh shit

[9:45:00 PM] Alzack13: what's happening

[9:45:01 PM] Alicia & Shadowfrost: oh yes

[9:45:06 PM] Arya S.: whyyyyy

[9:45:07 PM] Alicia & Shadowfrost: you're being girlyfied

[9:45:18 PM] Arya S.: whyy PG and not R-18 C:

[9:45:19 PM] Dani: :D Nothing, you don't need to worry about anything, Alzack.

[9:45:35 PM] Dani: Because girls are classy xD

[9:45:41 PM] Alicia & Shadowfrost: because we aren't at that stage yet arya

[9:45:43 PM] Alicia & Shadowfrost: not yet

[9:46:03 PM] Alzack13: we can't get to that stage in 1cc

[9:46:06 PM] Alicia & Shadowfrost: when vincent comes by put him in a dress

[9:46:09 PM] Alicia & Shadowfrost: and aki

[9:46:11 PM] Alicia & Shadowfrost: and backo

[9:46:22 PM] Alicia & Shadowfrost: and Shadie

everyone must be in dresses

[9:47:07 PM] Dani: Let's just give a frog printed one to ZM.

[9:47:19 PM] Alicia & Shadowfrost: yes

[9:47:43 PM] Alicia & Shadowfrost: muwhahaha

[9:48:08 PM] Dani: And we should paint their nails as well.

[9:49:04 PM] Alicia & Shadowfrost: yes

[9:49:14 PM] Alicia & Shadowfrost: where did Alzack go LEMME paint his nails

[9:49:35 PM] Dani: xD

[9:50:10 PM] Dani: In what color?

[9:50:15 PM] Alzack13: I'm WRITIN SHIT

[9:50:16 PM] Alzack13: GIMME TIME

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[10:58:05 PM] Tristian. S: OMG
[10:58:07 PM] Tristian. S: MEI
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