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Monday it was so foggy, but it was cool, reminded me of Satorl Marsh from Xenoblade

*Googles Satorl Marsh because it's been a long time since playing Xenoblade*

That's pretty cool actually. now if it were the same setting

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"If Tolkien intended Smaug to have six limbs, then Tolkien was wrong and should thank Peter Jackson for correcting his mistake." YouTube comments, they're great things.

wut. I remember the great Wings or no Wings debate for Balrogs, but there was a debate over Smaug's limbs too?
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wut. I remember the great Wings or no Wings debate for Balrogs, but there was a debate over Smaug's limbs too?

Apparently Smaug is portrayed as a wyvern (4 limbs) in the Peter Jackson movies, whereas a dragon should have 6 limbs (4 legs, 2 wings). So it's not really a debate about the number of Smaug's limbs, it's 'dragons should have 6 limbs' vs. 'who cares?'

Edited by Hattusili I
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