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Hello, Hi, Hey: I'm $$$ richh

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lol ORAS elite four is actually pretty decent

they're over 3 level stronger than my pokemon, and the first guy's sharpedo just killed two of them

I beat them with a team from level forty eight to fifty five.

Swampert (mega, alternates w/ Latias)- 54

Linoone- 55

Latias (mega, alternates w/ Swampert)- 48

Gardevoir- 50

Kyogre (Primal)- 51

Mightyena- 50

Steven's around 57 (59 for Metagross)

Also Sydney was curbstomped by my Linoone using Pin Missle. :v

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I went to page 3193 or whatever that was

saw this post

and now I want ice cream


Denying what Comet says is heresy, huh? Does this make Comet an HHH prophet?

Of course, we must spread word of how bad@$$ Comet is.
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I beat them with a team from level forty eight to fifty five.

Swampert (mega, alternates w/ Latias)- 54

Linoone- 55

Latias (mega, alternates w/ Swampert)- 48

Gardevoir- 50

Kyogre (Primal)- 51

Mightyena- 50

Steven's around 57 (59 for Metagross)

Also Sydney was curbstomped by my Linoone using Pin Missle. :v

my team:

sharpedo - 45

Swampert - 49

Metagross - 50

Manectric - 47

Latios - 47

This is after beating the first guy

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It doesnt really matter what pokemon you have in story mode, so it can be fun with whatever pokemon mang. I mean, Twitch plays pokemon defeated the pokemon games with underleveled and dum pokemon XD.

I sweeped Sydney with a Shiny Linoone after all
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