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I'm already living in a nightmare (as is nearly everyone else in France) with what happened wednesday.

I'd welcome the spiders with open arms, because at least they won't target people for stupid hatefull reasons.

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I'm already living in a nightmare (as is nearly everyone else in France) with what happened wednesday.

I'd welcome the spiders with open arms, because at least they won't target people for stupid hatefull reasons.

;~; ugh that paris shooting sounded like a horrible experience

is everything going alright over there? all the news has been talking about is the event and not how the french are doing since then

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I take all credit for the name change

Doesn't mean you'll get it >w>

I'm already living in a nightmare (as is nearly everyone else in France) with what happened wednesday.

I'd welcome the spiders with open arms, because at least they won't target people for stupid hatefull reasons.

Heard it in the news, man

I'm sorry to hear

*Hugs Shy*

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i didn't know someone can make short messy bead head hair look cute but welp that boy on the left found a way.

[spoiler=Tonton don't read]shiki nanaya fyi

Edited by shinpichu
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;~; ugh that paris shooting sounded like a horrible experience

is everything going alright over there? all the news has been talking about is the event and not how the french are doing since then

They were lots of spontaneous manifestation to show support, which was pretty moving.

Musulmans are forced to set themselves apart from those assholes, which is kinda sad.

I think a lot of us are still in shock over what happened. No one thought journalists could be assassinated for expressing their right.

Our president have declared national mourning, and we had 1 minute of silence thursday. And he was calling for unity.

We lost some truly exceptional people, and it's also hard for the survivors.

Obviously, the media are deeply touched by those events, because their colleagues, friends and the heart of their job that ws hurt here. Some were litterally crying.

And all the Charlie Hebdo's readers, even the occasional like us, shared some links with all those people.

We felt close to them.

No one expected this to happened. They had been threatened some times before, and were not liked buy everyone, but it was their role, as a satirical newspapers to mock everyone, including every religions and shock.

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just saying this

but you might as well remove the _ word with ____ or something

we have some one here that really does not like that word

Edited by Celice Baldos Chalpy
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