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Hello, Hi, Hey: I'm $$$ richh

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Morning peoples

Tumblr does not approve of abusing female charcters in video games.

Apparently they're also talented snipars from the state of Texas, not to mention they are proficient at the acquiring of a small red, fleshy fruit with pits that are often swallowed on accident.
Edit: Generalizations doe
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I don't think that'd work. :<

After finishing your combo or if you notice the opponent is going to attack just mash backdash

It doesn't matter WHERE on the screen you are (tho it might require a skill? dunno? Then again you usually have enough skill points to equip nearly everything), as long as you're backdashing during an opponents attack, you'll Snap Pivot.

Mind I only noticed the power of this halfway in the game so it might be a skill or something. Yet it worked with vanilla ToX2 Jude.

Edited by Yuki
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I still have to beat ToX

Tons of games in my backlog, and vacations are ending...

i still need to finish Xenoblade ~(@o@)~

1% of battery

It actually lasted a lot today


try to make it back in one piece

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