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How do you stop the people in SF.net that they're calling both FE12's and FE13's Avatar from overlapping with MU? (I kinda wanted to make it serious)

King Marth 64


2 members have voted

  1. 1. Suggestions for shortning something better other than MU?

    • I think "TA" (as in "The Avatar" is sounds alot better)
    • I can't make a good suggestion about it.
    • I'll come up a new one instead to stop with the MU.

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Sorry, if this is this topic kinda belongs to General Fire Emblem or belongs in Awakening thread, but I kinda wanted like a serious question and an answer about just for the SF.net, but I was trying to think of a better way to not let too many users in SF.net that they're still calling Avatar over with that ridiculous "MU" name since that's overlapping a localized name and its kinda too confusing with the other people who played the English version, but I don't kinda know a better way to stop them and they might go with Avatar. But, I kinda looked at Red Fox on Fire's thread and I kinda do agree with her that its kinda ridiculous, I saw from the other people wanted to shorten them for typing and I just thought about it and thinking of a better shorten name to use, but I suggested to use "TA" as in "The Avatar" instead of using people using that ridiculous "MU" name, but, would this likes work out for everyone if they wanted to shorten it if we might tell the community if we might suggest to tell them to use "TA" (that I totally think that might be an easier way to do it).

Edited by King Marth 64
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People using MU as the name for the Awakening avatar is really annoying. It's like, nobody still calls other characters by their Japanese names unless they're playing the Japanese game, so why do we still call Avatar/Robin 'MU'.

It's annoying, but it's not something I think will ever change. Most people probably don't even think about it when they're doing it.

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file this under "shit literally nobody cares about"

seriously i literally don't understand why this is supposed to be a problem, and for that matter, "serious discussion"? this has got to be a bad joke

Edited by bookofholsety
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Um... are you complaining about people using "MU"? I'm having a hard time understanding. But it's not a big deal either way what people say, IMO


...Wait, why is this in serous discussion?

file this under "shit literally nobody cares about"

seriously i literally don't understand why this is supposed to be a problem, and for that matter, "serious discussion"? this has got to be a bad joke

No, its just a serious question and I kinda wanted to see any better options from the others supporters, but this is kinda more like asking about just for SF.net, but, I don't think if this was kinda appropriate for General Fire Emblem section if this was about for SF.net only. And by the way, this isn't a joke, its just a serious question for SF.net.

Edited by King Marth 64
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No, its just a serious question and I kinda wanted to see any better options from the others supporters, but this is kinda more like asking about just for SF.net, not I don't think if this was kinda appropriate for General Fire Emblem section. And by the way, this isn't a joke, its just a serious question for SF.net.

look around the entire rest of this subforum

do you see anything else even vaguely resembling this topic? whether or not people here want to use one name or another for something has absolutely nothing to do with politics or social issues. last i checked, the health and safety of our society or whatever does not depend on people wanting to use some abbreviation or another to refer to fictional characters

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I use MU to refer to both FE12 and FE13's self-inserts, if you're having a serious problem with this, it might be wise to re-evaluate your annoyance threshold.

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look around the entire rest of this subforum

do you see anything else even vaguely resembling this topic? whether or not people here want to use one name or another for something has absolutely nothing to do with politics or social issues. last i checked, the health and safety of our society or whatever does not depend on people wanting to use some abbreviation or another to refer to fictional characters

No, I just kinda wanted to be a better results if other people might give out an serious answer and trying to think of a better way to help out for SF.net, I was kinda post far from the forest at first, but I totally think that it won't might work out. (I kinda wanted to find a way to help the other people to agree with it, not to cause too much opposing.)

I use MU to refer to both FE12 and FE13's self-inserts, if you're having a serious problem with this, it might be wise to re-evaluate your annoyance threshold.

This isn't about my problem, its just a question and need a serious suggestion in case.

Edited by King Marth 64
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I don't think people should be forced to change their way to address the Avatar in such a quick manner.

Generally, it seems to be understood which avatar is being talked about for being a topic generally started in the forum or a discussion tied to the game they're at. It seems to bother many people, but I generally don't have a gripe with it so I fear their complaints are lost on me. :l

You could try using some incentive, changing all the references in the Forum database from MU to avatar wherever it is applicable (if the mods are ok with it). But for popular speech it is nowhere as flexible to expect a reasonable change.

Edit: I swear that last sentence made sense in my head.

Edited by Xinnidy
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I don't think people should be forced to change their way to address the Avatar in such a quick manner.

Generally, it seems to be understood which avatar is being talked about for being a topic generally started in the forum or a discussion tied to the game they're at. It seems to bother many people, but I generally don't have a gripe with it so I fear their complaints are lost on me. :l

You could try using some incentive, changing all the references in the Forum database from MU to avatar wherever it is applicable (if the mods are ok with it). But for popular speech it is nowhere as flexible to expect a reasonable change.

Edit: I swear that last sentence made sense in my head.

Well, I was kinda thinking and mention it earlier about if we might tell the other people that were using MU to shorten it and I was thinking of a better way to do it, but I was kinda thinking of "TA" as in "The Avatar" be a better shorten name than "MU" so that it will be easier, but I kinda wanted to let the others think about it?

EDIT: I just see that the thread is in Awakening section, but I'm guess that I'm kinda wrong about my suggestions about the not placing in the Awakening thread since its kinda relevant enough for SF.net than Fire Emblem series.

Edited by King Marth 64
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okay you want a serious answer

here's a serious answer: it's not a problem. at all

see, there's this amazing little thing called context. the vast majority of people have this amazing ability to tell the difference between two things with a similar or identical name by what else is being mentioned or discussed at the same time

is a post mentioning a "MU" also talking about character, weapons or mechanics from FE12? then it's about the FE12 MU

is it talking about characters or game elements from FE13, such as skills? then it's about the FE13 MU

is it talking about reclassing through use of a menu or through use of an item? FE12 for the former, FE13 for the latter

is it talking about building stats through selecting past, present and future options, or through picking assets and flaws? FE12 for the former, FE13 for the latter

is the discussion taking place in the FE12 subforum or the FE13 subforum?

most importantly, is the person in question actually specifying which one they're talking about?

i guarantee you that at any given time, more than one of the above applies and thus which one is being talked about is blindingly obvious. this is a total non-issue in every way

seriously this isn't even the most confusing case of something having the same name that's ever been around here, considering this is a series with two Lindas, at least three Roberts, an Amy/Aimee pair in the same game, and an ungodly number of Wolfs

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TA also stands for Teacher's Assistant and it'll never stick with me for something in video games

Really why bother

It's a minor thing

Let people call MU whatever the fuck they feel more comfortable with

You're trying to change typing patterns and habits that have already been formed over something utterly inconsequential and doesn't hurt anyone

Just don't bother

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This isn't about my problem, its just a question and need a serious suggestion in case.

Unfortunately, this does seem to be your problem. Virtually nobody else considers it a big enough issue to try and get everyone to follow your idea. As everyone else has said, it's just not worth it, you're trying too hard for something this trivial.

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People are already used to using MU. It seems you'll be forced to deal with it for the rest of your life.

I just regret I couldn't leave Tiki's (FE12) pet name for him as "Mu-Mu". Damn Vincent and his "Tar-Tar"!

Still better than Mar-Mar though

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Well, I was kinda thinking and mention it earlier about if we might tell the other people that were using MU to shorten it and I was thinking of a better way to do it, but I was kinda thinking of "TA" as in "The Avatar" be a better shorten name than "MU" so that it will be easier, but I kinda wanted to let the others think about it?

I don't think "The Avatar" or "TA" comes off as naturally as just "Avatar" because it adds a "The", while the japanese name "My Unit" was abbreviated naturally because that's indeed the name the unit is referred by in the east. There was no need to add a term just to make a proper abbreviation. And other abbreviations like "A" (which seems too small to be a reasonable abbreviation) and "Ava" (which overlaps with an NPC from FE4, as far as I know) aren't very reasonable either. So, I think that if you want people to go by the localized name, you should just look for them to call it "Avatar", no abbreviations.

I think that for the lack of universal use of "Avatar" to address it, there's also the fact "Avatar" overlaps with the forum custom of calling profile pictures as Avatars, which, I think, is part of the reason why both terms are used when addressing the unit, if minor. So I keep by my point that I'd prefer the flexibility we have and had no visible problem with so far be kept. Some other places might benefit more of calling it strictly one thing or the other, SF seems to be suited to call it both.

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TA also stands for Teacher's Assistant and it'll never stick with me for something in video games

Really why bother

It's a minor thing

Well, ok, but I don't see it as a minor thing, I just wanted to find a way to help out for the community. It's kinda a hard decision.

Unfortunately, this does seem to be your problem. Virtually nobody else considers it a big enough issue to try and get everyone to follow your idea. As everyone else has said, it's just not worth it, you're trying too hard for something this trivial.

Ok ok ok, let's not being so rough on this thread, let's just go back on topic about the question.

People are already used to using MU. It seems you'll be forced to deal with it for the rest of your life.

I just regret I couldn't leave Tiki's (FE12) pet name for him as "Mu-Mu". Damn Vincent and his "Tar-Tar"!

Still better than Mar-Mar though

Well, I am not trying to force on to other people, I just have to figure out a way to help out.

Edited by King Marth 64
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This doesn't matter. At all. As long as you understand what they're saying, especially on SF, where most people know what "MU" is, does it matter? No, not at all. End of discussion.

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I don't even try this hard. Verily! That and people talk very little about FE12 now.

I just regret I couldn't leave Tiki's (FE12) pet name for him as "Mu-Mu". Damn Vincent and his "Tar-Tar"!

Still better than Mar-Mar though

Mar-Mar is literally the devil.

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I don't even try this hard. Verily! That and people talk very little about FE12 now.

They've never talked much about it, as it was a remake without an official localization... of a game without an official localization... and sequel to one of the most lackluster entries of the series.

Being Shin Monshou is suffering.

Mar-Mar is literally the devil.

The lack of proper oniichaning gravely disappointed me. But I understand their choice Edited by TheEnd
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Ok ok ok, let's not being so rough on this thread, let's just go back on topic about the question.

everyone is on topic about the question. when you put something like this into the public arena intending for it to be a BIG SITE-WIDE CHANGE INITIATIVE, especially when it's unnecessary and arguably demeans our intelligence by implying people here aren't bright enough to tell the difference between two things with the same name, you've got to expect criticism. nobody is being unjustly harsh, just blunt and telling it like it is

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No seriously, like what people have said... why is this even an issue?

It's the same damn character. It's like what Otherarrow was criticizing you for in the wiki complaint thread.

Why am I not surprised that the majority of King Marth's post is complaining about the names not being absolutely perfect? Forgive me if I am rude here, but King Marth nitpicking filenames is something that has been grating on my nerves for a while.

As long as the filename is correct and gets across what the the thing is, it doesn't matter if it uses an outdated name, or if it refers to the specfic game it was ripped from, or if it doesn't go into perfect detail.

Except without it being filenames, and now with people's terminology usage.

I can call MU Steve if I wanted to in a thread, and if everyone knew what I was talking about without me having to explain it to them, it would be PERFECTLY OKAY.

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