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Wyvern Knights?

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So, I'm doing my first playthrough, and so far I've been trying to have at least one of every class, and I'm pretty happy with how things have gone.

But now, Tana's level 19, and I have an Elysian Whip ready for when she hits 20, but I'm not sure what to turn her into.

I haven't promoted Vanessa yet, either.

I've read about the Pierce glitch, is that still present in the 3DS ambassador version of the game? Is it something that happens frequently enough that I should be concerned about making Wyvern Knights?

If the glitch isn't something I should be worried about, then who makes the better Wyvern Knight - Tana or Vanessa? Or both, since I'll be getting Syrene later?

I don't think either of them look like they should be riding wyverns, but I did get Tana and Cormag to bang, so I'm kind of thinking I might make her one.

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The pierce glitch is probably uncommon enough that you won't need to worry about it too much, but if you play with animations on it might cost you a chapter every now and again. You could always just turn animations off for her if you're especially concerned. I don't know if it's been fixed in the ambassador downloads, but I'd say probably not. The two of them are both generally better as Wyvern Knights, in my opinion - they lose out on Swords and get 1 less DEF/SKL/RES and 2 less HP from promotion, but I'd say the 3 extra CON more than balances out the rest of the promotion stat loss, while Pierce more than balances out the loss of swords. Wyvern Knight also has better caps, although none of them are likely to make a difference as they're high enough anyway.

Also, one of every class? Good luck, dude, that'd force you to grind up pretty much every character and buy tons of extra promotion items. It's also not actually possible on a single playthrough - you can only have two of Druid, Summoner and Pupil (3). In total, there are I think 27 different promoted classes you can reach, including Dancer, Manakete and the Great Lords... so that sounds like a lot of grinding.

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Also, one of every class? Good luck, dude, that'd force you to grind up pretty much every character and buy tons of extra promotion items. It's also not actually possible on a single playthrough - you can only have two of Druid, Summoner and Pupil (3). In total, there are I think 27 different promoted classes you can reach, including Dancer, Manakete and the Great Lords... so that sounds like a lot of grinding.

Well, if you ignore all of the Super Pupil classes which are impossible to get on a first playthrough anyways, it probably is possible. Also you wouldn't have to grind the Great Lords at all, seeing as how they can promote at level 1/whatever level Ephraim starts at (admittedly the OP probably wouldn't do that, but you can also choose to withhold the promotion at Chapter 16 and promote later on if necessary).

Edited by Refa
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Ignoring the super pupil classes (which, why the hell would you, they're terrible), you can pretty easily get one of each standard promoted class

Paladin - Seth

Great Knight - Duessel

General - Gilliam

Sage - Saleh

Bishop - Artur/Boulder

Valkyrie - Natasha

Mage Knight - L'Arachel

Druid - Ewan

Summoner - Knoll

Hero - Gerik

Warrior - Garcia

Berserker - Dozla/Ross

Wyvern Lord - Cormag

Wyvern Knight - Tana/Vanessa

Falcoknight - Syrene

Obviously you could switch some around (i.e. lute as mage knight, natasha as bishop, and l'arachel as valkyrie), but it's pretty lenient for the most part; you'll basically have to train basically every character though, sans the 1st tier cavaliers (which you should anyways, since they're all good besides lolmelia)

Also if i recall correctly, knoll's summons are better than ewans (plus knoll's stats are lol) so you want to make him a summoner, and ewan the druid instead.

Edited by kirbymastah1991
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Ignoring the super pupil classes (which, why the hell would you, they're terrible), you can pretty easily get one of each standard promoted class

Paladin - Seth

Great Knight - Duessel

General - Gilliam

Sage - Saleh

Bishop - Artur/Boulder

Valkyrie - Natasha

Mage Knight - L'Arachel

Druid - Ewan

Summoner - Knoll

Hero - Gerik

Warrior - Garcia

Berserker - Dozla/Ross

Wyvern Lord - Cormag

Wyvern Knight - Tana/Vanessa

Falcoknight - Syrene

Obviously you could switch some around (i.e. lute as mage knight, natasha as bishop, and l'arachel as valkyrie), but it's pretty lenient for the most part; you'll basically have to train basically every character though, sans the 1st tier cavaliers (which you should anyways, since they're all good besides lolmelia)

Also if i recall correctly, knoll's summons are better than ewans (plus knoll's stats are lol) so you want to make him a summoner, and ewan the druid instead.

Indeed. That list is similar to what I did, though a bit different. But I've got every promoted class except for the super pupils planned out. I don't mind grinding, too much. lol

The pierce glitch is probably uncommon enough that you won't need to worry about it too much, but if you play with animations on it might cost you a chapter every now and again. You could always just turn animations off for her if you're especially concerned. I don't know if it's been fixed in the ambassador downloads, but I'd say probably not. The two of them are both generally better as Wyvern Knights, in my opinion - they lose out on Swords and get 1 less DEF/SKL/RES and 2 less HP from promotion, but I'd say the 3 extra CON more than balances out the rest of the promotion stat loss, while Pierce more than balances out the loss of swords. Wyvern Knight also has better caps, although none of them are likely to make a difference as they're high enough anyway.

Also, one of every class? Good luck, dude, that'd force you to grind up pretty much every character and buy tons of extra promotion items. It's also not actually possible on a single playthrough - you can only have two of Druid, Summoner and Pupil (3). In total, there are I think 27 different promoted classes you can reach, including Dancer, Manakete and the Great Lords... so that sounds like a lot of grinding.

All right, cool, thanks! I think I'll make Tana one, but I'll probably let Vanessa keep her pegasus.

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