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Sonic Boom


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So Sonic Boom was announced. Now after getting used to the re-designs of the characters (though I do really like Tails' one) I have to say this game actually looks promising. Like Ratchet and Clank mixed into Sonic.

They are also making a TV show out of it. I like how it is keeping Colors' humor.

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Looks thoroughly uninteresting to me. Disregarding the redesigns which seem to be getting a lot of flake, there's nothing in that trailer that suggests a great game on par with either the better Sonics or Ratchet & Clanks (which I actually might like more than Sonic due to personal bias and because they're like the 3D Mega Man games that we never got besides Legends which was also fantastic but in a less run 'n' gunny way if that makes sense). Also the name when combined with some developer I've never heard off isn't exactly filling me with hope. Why can't Sega just make a Sonic Generations 2...

EDIT Also I haven't seen a single good 3D animated TV show...

Edited by Refa
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Well, besides Knuckles' design (but everybody is pretty iffy on that already), this actually looks pretty good. And I might check out the show, because I mean, it can't be that bad, right?

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I think Sega has confirmed that this game isn't "canon", and the redesigns are ONLY for this game and the TV show.

The redesigns I don't mind too much, but has the story been confirmed to be not canon? It looks like an alternate world, so it shouldn't matter too much, but considering the enemies don't look nearly as chidlish as in Lost Worlds and aren't simply what we've seen before like in Generations, I am pretty interested in this game and hope it's canon. Although I'm sure I'd prefer it being non-canon over something like 2006...

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The redesigns I don't mind too much, but has the story been confirmed to be not canon? It looks like an alternate world, so it shouldn't matter too much, but considering the enemies don't look nearly as chidlish as in Lost Worlds and aren't simply what we've seen before like in Generations, I am pretty interested in this game and hope it's canon. Although I'm sure I'd prefer it being non-canon over something like 2006...

I'm pretty sure, but I'm not 100%. As per most people, I like/am okay with most of the redesigns, but Knuckles will take some getting used to.

From the looks of things, it won't be another Sonic 06... but only time can tell.

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Ugh, that trailer looked awful. I appreciate that it seems to have more than just Sonic as a playable character, but everything else just looks so terrible. I hate the "music" used in the trailer, I hate the redesigns, and I hate the voice actors. Please, for the love of god, only use this for this game and this game only. Remember what happened when Crash Bandicoot got redesigned?

Oh god, is the show keeping Colour's sense of humour? Fuck right off.

This is gonna be another one of those things that only I seem to hate and everyone else loves even though it's clearly shit. The game better be fucking phenomenal.

Edited by HeroMaster47
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This has already been said plenty of times, but Knuckles' design really bothers me.

Not enough gameplay has been shown for me to really make any judgements, but I am very much excited for more playable characters.

The show looks decent enough.

For now I am cautiously optimistic.

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I bet a good chunk of sonic fans the same ones who despise his green eyes and modern design are fuming even more now



I'm not kidding, of all the drastic design changes, I see many people in youtube comments complaining about the blue arms.

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I'm not kidding, of all the drastic design changes, I see many people in youtube comments complaining about the blue arms.

Remember sky sanctuary not being yellow enough in Generations?

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I'm not kidding, of all the drastic design changes, I see many people in youtube comments complaining about the blue arms.

I'm seeing them too, and it's hilarious. The blue arms do bother me, but mainly because it's an inconsistency with the designs (and only ever happened as an error in the comics and cartoons). Look at Amy's design. Her arms are still skin colour, and Sonic's aren't. It's just inconsistent, and inconsistency bothers me (that's why I appreciate the centre mouth, because side mouths are dumb. The mouth is on the right side of his face! *camera change* suddenly it's on the left side of his face!). It's not something people should be freaking out over like they are.

Honestly, the thing that's pissing me off the most is that Roger Craig Smith is still voicing Sonic (even if the game is good enough to warrant a purchase, I will mute the game because Smith's voice hurts my ears). The game *should* be good though, looking at the track record of the team's CEO, but knowing the Sonic franchise and trying to do something different, I don't have high hopes. Surprise me, Sega.

Also have to mention, those in-game models look utterly hideous. Bad designs aside, they just look awful. The entire look of the game really reminds me of Crash Bandicoot as well.

One more thing: do you think that Knuckles will be re-cast because of his redesign? I honestly can't see Sega keeping his voice the same as it is now, that would just make the whole situation even more terrible and hilarious than what it already is.

Edited by HeroMaster47
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