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Cordelia figure.

Airship Canon

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But you know me, taking Olivia any day if that happens.

Even I'm a little hesitant about that, sis.

Because proportions going out the window.

Brb, submitting it on Escher Girls as soon as she gets announced.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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What are you talking about?

Even I'm a little hesitant about that, sis.

Because proportions going out the window.

Brb, submitting it on Escher Girls as soon as she gets announced.

Seriously, what does she mean?

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Seriously, what does she mean?

Sis over there, loves Olivia almost as much as I do.

As in "She's buying her in a heartbeat if she does get a figure".

...which she won't.

I could only picture on the bottom of the figure to have "Pick a god and pray!" chiseled on the bottom in silver.

Hate to be the killjoy, but "Japanese company".

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Sis over there, loves Olivia almost as much as I do.

As in "She's buying her in a heartbeat if she does get a figure".

...which she won't.

Almost as much as you do? Wha...

I think he was referring to the proportions going out of the window...

But yeah, this is what I meant^

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Cordelia Figure is announced BEFORE the Tharja Figure out. LMFAO.

They SHOULD make sure whether the Tharja Figure is still able to be on sale or not before they planned to make a new product!

Edited by MelonGx
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Cordelia Figure is announced BEFORE the Tharja Figure out. LMFAO.

They SHOULD make sure whether the Tharja Figure is still able to be on sale or not before they planned to make a new product!

...Huh? The Tharja figure was released a while ago, there was a reprint or something recently, though, I think.

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Hate to be the killjoy, but "Japanese company".

Thanks, Obama.

I'd buy one just to light it on fire, film the results, post it on YouTube, and drink the resulting fanboy tears.

Maybe Chrom will finally notice her. Y'know, what with being on fire and all.

Well if anything, a Gregor figurine would be swell. Y'know. Since he's a swell sword.

~oh my~

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Figures with no articulation in general. Sure they look good but I wouldn't want to buy them.

They're stuck in that one pose. Posable figures, action figures, etc, those I can get behind.

Edited by Ranger Jack Walker
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Figures with no articulation in general. Sure they look good but I wouldn't want to buy them.

They're stuck in that one pose. Posable figures, action figures, etc, those I can get behind.

They're amazing to have around, if you're a fan of FE13.

I would actually prefer them over ones with articulation. It gives a more classy feel to it.

I don't want figurines, I only want body pillows. No, I do not want Tharja pillow.

Me neither.

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They're amazing to have around, if you're a fan of FE13.

I would actually prefer them over ones with articulation. It gives a more classy feel to it.

Me neither.

I'm not just talking about FE13 figures. Unposable figures in general. I've got many of my old Bionicle models I made posed around my house.

Though speaking of FE13 figures, any 'classy' feel to them is ruined by Tharja's pose...

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I'll say this in Tharja's defense, I didnt play or look at any fire emblem stuff for like two years so when I got awakening in December and played it without looking into any of the characters and she was not over sexualized to me. Though in my first playthrough I did not use her too much, but her portrait has her covering up her chest so it just passed me by I guess. It's only after I looked into other stuff outside the game that she was like that, and so were all the other women anyways. Also from virion's support (and some others) with her she actually is nice but hides behind her dark mage thing.

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