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Tropy characters are okay as long as they're well-written, which I feel some of them are (IE Stahl is a very stereotypical 'nice guy' type, but rather than be flat and boring he's actually interesting due to the backstory he's given and the interactions we see him in).

In Tharja's case in particular the yandere thing feels pretty tacked-on. I feel like without it, her personality is pretty solid, but it seems like the writers wanted to throw that in there almost like for fear that her personality would be too unlikeable unless she was smitten with you or some shit. I don't mind it, but she seems like a fine character without it as well. Tharja, like most of the other characters, suffers from a pretty shallow and uninteresting support convo with the avatar (the potential is particularly wasted given all the weird and interesting things surrounding her infatuation with the avatar that COULD be discussed).

Generally I'm fine with anything as long as it's written well. But Awakening's writers were stretched too thin so the writing is painfully spotty and inconsistent at times.

Anyway, this might be getting too off-topic...

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Btw, I also think that Miriel (and maybe Laurent, I dunno because I never recruited him) and Frederick both are high-functioning autistic like me. It's known as Asperger's Syndrome. Miriel's case being really exaggerated. Frederick more so resembles a realistic Aspie. He doesn't understand how Chrom feels about his actions a lot of the time, he seems to have a lot of talents, and he's really obsessive over his duties. He also seems to unintentionally offend others, like how he calls Avatar a savage in their support and doesn't seem to notice that it offended him/her. Aspies are just like this, with poor social skills, but a lot of talent and intelligence (Frederick is definitely a smart guy), but with a somewhat lack of understanding others' feelings.

Miriel is similar, but way worse. lol

Frederick also reminds me a lot of my co-author, who is an Aspie. They speak in a very similar manner. He doesn't act overly obsessive, but every Aspie is different.

I myself tend to be over-obsessive, for example. :P

Or, here's another possibility that I teased at in a story. Frederick only has similar characteristics to an Aspie, but doesn't actually have the disorder. His wolf attack left a bit of mental damage in his noggin. lol

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I'm not super familiar with the symptoms of Asperger's, but given Frederick's incessant attention to safety and cleanliness and Miriel's obsessive need to experiment, that sounds plausible.

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Compulsiveness is not a part of Asperger's Syndrome. That's its own condition, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

I never got the vibe that Miriel or Laurent had any trouble communicating or getting along with the others.

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Laurent, no, he seems much more normally-functional if just a bit analytical and high-strung. Miriel though, as brilliant as the game claims she is, seems to question and feel the need to experiment on the most arbitrary of things sometimes.

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Laurent, no, he seems much more normally-functional if just a bit analytical and high-strung. Miriel though, as brilliant as the game claims she is, seems to question and feel the need to experiment on the most arbitrary of things sometimes.

Laurent could possibly be someone who either has a less severe version of Asperger's or received some kind of help in dealing with it.

Miriel isn't even human with how she acts.

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Compulsiveness is not a part of Asperger's Syndrome. That's its own condition, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

I never got the vibe that Miriel or Laurent had any trouble communicating or getting along with the others.

However a tendency to completely ignore the big picture (or more likely just flat out not notice it) is, which leads to an obsessive focus on details. Or, in Miriel's case, completely ignoring whoever she's talking to "in the name of science".

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Not to talk down on people that have disabilities, but why the hell do people overanalyze characters to that point?

Is it to relate closer to your favorite characters? Because honestly that shitstorm of a thread with Cordelia before rings a bell.

While it isn't necessarily exactly the right thing to do, Japan and other Asian countries less inclined to be open about their disabilities to blend into normal society. Address it and do what you can, yes... but they'll be damned before they admit it to someone not close to them like family... all to prevent using it as an excuse... and even if they're not, even having the slightest apperance of it.

Think about that when it comes to characters in their works.

They're walking tropes. TROPES.

Sumia would be DEAD if she really tripped that much from being impaled by a spear in real life.

It's even more pratical to discuss Awakening characters on how they deal with their waste when they go to the bathroom with the army's numbers.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Speaking of headcanons about OCs with psychological disorders, what about Libra? IIRC, he displays some symptoms of other kinds of autism, like his fear of being touched and whatnot.

'Research'? What is this 'research' of which you speak

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Not to talk down on people that have disabilities, but why the hell do people overanalyze characters to that point?

Is it to relate closer to your favorite characters? Because honestly that shitstorm of a thread with Cordelia before rings a bell.

I dunno. Possibly. You could probably diagnose every character in all of literature with some kind of mental condition.

Speaking of headcanons about OCs with psychological disorders, what about Libra? IIRC, he displays some symptoms of other kinds of autism, like his fear of being touched and whatnot.

'Research'? What is this 'research' of which you speak

That's his trauma from being abused as a child.

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Miriel does state in some support that she doesn't do well in being social; IIRC it was Frederick's.

And in Vaike's, she seems super puzzled about the concept of friendship and love.

However, her seeming Autistic may be only a thing in the translation, in which they exaggerated her speech... or am I wrong?? IIRC, Japanese Miriel was much less wordy and more similar to her son.

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IIRC, Japanese Miriel was much less wordy and more similar to her son.

Read this:


SOC, you're right, but people in that thread also pointed out to me that Freddy and Miriel resemble Aspies more. :P


People over diagnose disorders like these far too much. Probably every single person on earth has some sort of psychological disorder going by today's diagnosing standards.

What, would you guys be proud if your favorite characters happened to have them?

What if you're socially awkward? Does that automatically give you a condition?

Miriel is a trope. Socially awkward smart "librarian-type".

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SoC, in english!Miriel's case, this isn't much over-analyzing or people wanting characters to be aspergers really badly. It's a general feeling she gives.

Set JP Miriel aside for a moment.

My sister, who hates the game and didn't even go past the first arc (so didn't read much of it anyway), seriously said something among the lines of "Dafuq, is she an aspie??" with just a glance of her lines, plus I've seen a bunch of people already suggest this; it's a common question between all the non-jp version players (since the EU translations are translated from the ENG version).

Reading the japanese script, it makes her seem like the cold, collected librarian archetype with social awkwardness, but the english version really, really, REALLY exaggerates with the rare words and the awkwardness; lines such as that one in the barracks asking you why do people punch-the-hay aren't something a bookworm would say, and she looks like she has zero common sense about the most trivial things, not to mention bookworms are smart enough to understand what's to be taken literally and what's not.

I don't know if this is just the translation's case, but english Miriel really does give this "holy moly does she have a mental disorder or something??" vibe. I even remember seeing a fan made picture online, of her and Lute all hyped up, with written AUTISM!!1 on it.

Frederick gets this treatment to a much lesser extent, but some people still guess he has ADHD and the like.

I can't speak for you guys in this forum, but usually people suggest characters might have mental disorderds to make the game/comic/anime/whatever seem more deep and mature than it actually is.

Awakening is the perfect playground for this because the characters are very stereotyped, one-dimensional and tend to have very few things in their mind, and the english version makes this worse.

Still, if people want to headcanon things and speculate about stuff, it's completely okay, it's all part of enjoying the game in different ways, in the end.

It's not cool to be such a fart and go around with yours Y DO YOU DO THIS AND Y DO YOU DO THAT: if someone wants to talk about Shinon having an abusive mother because she never wanted to hug him in the ENG version, they all have the right to do that, there's nothing wrong with it. Even discussions like these are part of frivolous, pleasurable entertainment stirred from the game itself, such as the countless videos of yours (which I enjoy) in which you kill husbandos, Chrom, Frederick, etc.

The matter of this discussion isn't even something serious such as Tharja and Noire, or the ability to marry Nowi, so it's not even they're going to start a flame war.


Personally, I wouldn't be surprised if japanese Miriel was more like those snippets read in the FE According to Japan tumblr; her change doesn't seem as awful and drastic as Henry but I think it's still rather evident, so I take the Asperger theory with a grain of salt and with a general distate for how the game got translated (I'm a bit of a hypocrit myself because I love Kieran, and he seems to have gotten pumped up personality-wise, in the ENG version).

But, still, my headcanon on her is that Miriel is the one who touches Vaike's muscles when he gets those +2, +3 level ups :V


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What, would you guys be proud if your favorite characters happened to have them?

What if you're socially awkward? Does that automatically give you a condition?

Miriel is a trope. Socially awkward smart "librarian-type".

Not sure if you were agreeing with me or not.

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It's not cool to be such a fart and go around with yours Y DO YOU DO THIS AND Y DO YOU DO THAT:

Here's what I think about that: When it's for fun, it's cool.

But when you make an entire thread about it only to suggest so that you can relate with your characters and that "oh they're the same as me" or "I'm glad I married them, they understand me so well" BS and expect people to agree... I tend to be the "stop having fun guy" because you're honestly not separating what you have in your head and what is in the game.

Ana's pretty easy to see through as you can see by the implications in her words.

And the key word here is implication.

Not sure if you were agreeing with me or not.

I am.

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That thread is old news and history, SOC. You're making way too big a deal out of this. I didn't make one this time, nor did I ever come up with anything just so I could relate to any favorite characters. If I did, I wouldn't have mentioned Miriel. She's not a favorite character.

In fact, as I said, I was implying that I changed my mind and agreed that Cordelia doesn't resemble an aspie as much as Miriel and Frederick do. You said so yourself, the keyword is implication.

And if I'm as "easy to see through" as you say, then you must be blind.

Also, Frederick definitely doesn't have ADHD lol. He's not attention deficit, nor is he hyper. Lissa is closer to ADHD, imo, and I don't think she has it either. :P

Edited by Anacybele
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Read this:



What, would you guys be proud if your favorite characters happened to have them?

What if you're socially awkward? Does that automatically give you a condition?

Miriel is a trope. Socially awkward smart "librarian-type".


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Euklyd is clearly joking, Banyru, we already know Avatar had a mother and that Frederick is obviously straight. :P

Actually I was being entirely serious. I demand this theory be taken just as seriously as everything else in this headcanon thread.

Also, Grimleal is confirmed as a fish cult.[spoiler='proof]4KqP4rR.png

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Did you guys know that a fish was religious iconography for Christ?

New headcanon: Grima is secretly Jesus and the Grimleal are Christians. Ergo, Awakening is ANTI-RELIGION

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Did you guys know that a fish was religious iconography for Christ?

New headcanon: Grima is secretly Jesus and the Grimleal are Christians. Ergo, Awakening is ANTI-RELIGION

I can get behind this.

...Does that make Naga, Satan?

And Tiki the anti-Christ?

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