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So, I guess this is my introduction post!

I've been playing the FE games since FE7 and, like most people in the West, was introduced to the series through Melee. Since then I have played Sacred Stones, Path of Radiance, and recently Awakening. Path of Radiance is my favorite, although I haven't played it in ages due to (very stupidly) selling it a long time ago. I never got around to Radiant Dawn, though it is the next game I want to acquire, and I skipped Shadow Dragon. Awakening has gotten me back into the series, and I aim to play all the games, so I thought it would be a good idea to join this community!

Outside of Fire Emblem, I like JRPGs (especially from the SNES and PSX eras), and enjoy most Nintendo franchises, with a preference for Zelda and Metroid. I also like to play and listen to music, draw, and watch anime.

Not sure what else to say! Hope to enjoy my time here!

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That avatar of Severa actually makes her look like a likable person

You might have some trouble getting Radiant Dawn though, somewhere along the line, it reached "rare" status and it's price shot up, or you could do it by... OTHER means... nevertheless, which PSX and Snes RPGs did you play?

Oh yeah... you have to greet new people...this is the Forest, if a sign points right, go left, rebels are more interesting

Welcome... to... Forest...

Edited by Soledai
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You might have some trouble getting Radiant Dawn though, somewhere along the line, it reached "rare" status and it's price shot up, or you could do it by... OTHER means... nevertheless, which PSX and Snes RPGs did you play?

My only PC right now is a laptop (read: portable toaster), so there's no way I'd be able to run it on Dolphin (or run Dolphin). I know it was going up in price last time I checked, so I'm kind of scared to look now. I wish PoR hadn't skyrocketed in price too, I've really been wanting to buy it again.

I've played FF IV-IX (except for VIII), the SFC version of DQ3 and 5, Chrono Trigger, etc., and right now I'm working on Xenogears. So I guess the usual Square and Enix stuff. I didn't have either console growing up (went from Genesis to N64), so I've been playing catch-up, but I do plan on branching out once I finish all the "essentials", if you want to call them that! Live-A-Live in particular looks really interesting, and I want to try and get into the Langrisser series.

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My only PC right now is a laptop (read: portable toaster), so there's no way I'd be able to run it on Dolphin (or run Dolphin). I know it was going up in price last time I checked, so I'm kind of scared to look now. I wish PoR hadn't skyrocketed in price too, I've really been wanting to buy it again.

I've played FF IV-IX (except for VIII), the SFC version of DQ3 and 5, Chrono Trigger, etc., and right now I'm working on Xenogears. So I guess the usual Square and Enix stuff. I didn't have either console growing up (went from Genesis to N64), so I've been playing catch-up, but I do plan on branching out once I finish all the "essentials", if you want to call them that! Live-A-Live in particular looks really interesting, and I want to try and get into the Langrisser series.

Heh heh, I wasn't referring to Dolphin, but hey it's the same idea.

The usual squaresoft stuff is a good answer, I can vouch for Live-a-Live, it's pretty good, you can add Rudra no Hihou and Tactics Ogre to that list... and yes Langrisser too, do it especially Der Langrisser... too good.

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You seem like a cool person. The avi of my daughteru is helping, I will admit. Also I went online to Gamestop yesterday night and they had PoR for $24.99. RD was $64.99.

But anyway, welcome to the forest. Hope to see you around.

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You seem like a cool person. The avi of my daughteru is helping, I will admit. Also I went online to Gamestop yesterday night and they had PoR for $24.99. RD was $64.99.

But anyway, welcome to the forest. Hope to see you around.

Nice to see some Severa love! ♥

Wow, that's a steal compared to what I've seen on eBay in the past! Maybe I should go out hunting for it

That Severa avatar is actually pretty sweet. Should try out the Japanese-exclusive FE games too, but only if they interest you

Welcome to Serenes Forest. Don't get lost and enjoy your stay!

Thanks! I wish I could find the source on it (and on my sig too), because whoever drew them are really talented! I've already tried out FE4 and played the first few chapters, but I keep stopping for some reason. It's the first Japan-exclusive game I plan on completing though!
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Thanks! I wish I could find the source on it (and on my sig too), because whoever drew them are really talented! I've already tried out FE4 and played the first few chapters, but I keep stopping for some reason. It's the first Japan-exclusive game I plan on completing though!

I'll probably only end up playing FE3-6 when it comes to the Japan-exclusive games. Others don't intrigue me as much (with exception to FE2, but I'm still undecided on that). I'm on chapter... 8 on my first playthrough of FE4 and 3 on my second. I probably would've finished FE4 by now if I didn't goof up on chapter 8. Really can't be bothered to restart it now though

I took a peak at your next FE idea thread. It's definitely got potential. I'm always free to give an outside opinion if you want anything checked for whatever reason

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I'll probably only end up playing FE3-6 when it comes to the Japan-exclusive games. Others don't intrigue me as much (with exception to FE2, but I'm still undecided on that). I'm on chapter... 8 on my first playthrough of FE4 and 3 on my second. I probably would've finished FE4 by now if I didn't goof up on chapter 8. Really can't be bothered to restart it now though

I took a peak at your next FE idea thread. It's definitely got potential. I'm always free to give an outside opinion if you want anything checked for whatever reason

Yeah, I'm unsure whether I'll play 1 or the DS games, since I'm under the impression that 3 is a remake/sequel to 1. But I do at least intend to play each main numbered installment!

I think the last time I played FE4, Holyn died in the chapter where you recruit him, and I couldn't decide whether to reset or suck it up and keep going, because I tend to get more into FE when I don't reset.

Thanks! I'll definitely keep that in mind. :)

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Yeah, I'm unsure whether I'll play 1 or the DS games, since I'm under the impression that 3 is a remake/sequel to 1. But I do at least intend to play each main numbered installment!

I think the last time I played FE4, Holyn died in the chapter where you recruit him, and I couldn't decide whether to reset or suck it up and keep going, because I tend to get more into FE when I don't reset.

Thanks! I'll definitely keep that in mind. :)

Don't quote me on this, but I believe FE3 is a revamp of 1 as well as a sequel (making 1 sort-of redundant, although I think you get more characters in FE1...?), with FE12 being a remake of FE3's sequel but with a customizable character. Could be wrong though. You've also got Tear Ring Saga, but I'm very ignorant to that

If Duck saw that Holyn died, he'd go berserk. That's also a first I've heard that, but I can't exactly knock it. I'm moreso a perfectionist, so unless I REALLY can't be bothered to restart a chapter, I normally complete my FE games with all characters recruited alive

No problem. Could check out the other ones there too. Could give you an idea or two

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Don't quote me on this, but I believe FE3 is a revamp of 1 as well as a sequel (making 1 sort-of redundant, although I think you get more characters in FE1...?), with FE12 being a remake of FE3's sequel but with a customizable character. Could be wrong though. You've also got Tear Ring Saga, but I'm very ignorant to that

If Duck saw that Holyn died, he'd go berserk. That's also a first I've heard that, but I can't exactly knock it. I'm moreso a perfectionist, so unless I REALLY can't be bothered to restart a chapter, I normally complete my FE games with all characters recruited alive

No problem. Could check out the other ones there too. Could give you an idea or two

Yeah, I think that's what I read too, so I may just play 3 on SFC and just skip 1, 11, and 12. Tear Ring Saga seems interesting to me, so I'll probably try it out too at some point.

To me it just makes the games feel so much more engaging. When you reset all the time, there may as well be a "Stage Failed" prompt that comes up and makes you start the chapter over. It kind of cheapens the permadeath aspect of the series a little bit in my opinion. I love doing no-reset runs, but I still don't know if I should do them on blind playthroughs or not. They're awesome for second playthroughs though, it makes the games feel more intense I feel.

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Yeah, I think that's what I read too, so I may just play 3 on SFC and just skip 1, 11, and 12. Tear Ring Saga seems interesting to me, so I'll probably try it out too at some point.

To me it just makes the games feel so much more engaging. When you reset all the time, there may as well be a "Stage Failed" prompt that comes up and makes you start the chapter over. It kind of cheapens the permadeath aspect of the series a little bit in my opinion. I love doing no-reset runs, but I still don't know if I should do them on blind playthroughs or not. They're awesome for second playthroughs though, it makes the games feel more intense I feel.

FE11 is a remake of FE1 and is probably worth checking out anyway. Updated graphics and the weapon triangle might make it a different experience for you

That's certainly a fine way to look at it. I think blind + no resets would be extremely difficult on FE5 however, due to that game being quite... unique. I guess they're good on second playthroughs though. I might do something similar on FE7, because I need an excuse to get back into it

By the way, no resets runs are commonly known as Ironman runs. Just to let you know

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FE11 is a remake of FE1 and is probably worth checking out anyway. Updated graphics and the weapon triangle might make it a different experience for you

That's certainly a fine way to look at it. I think blind + no resets would be extremely difficult on FE5 however, due to that game being quite... unique. I guess they're good on second playthroughs though. I might do something similar on FE7, because I need an excuse to get back into it

By the way, no resets runs are commonly known as Ironman runs. Just to let you know

From what I've seen of 11, I think I might prefer the NES graphics honestly. But if I can get the FE1 experience through 3 I'll probably just end up doing that.

Yeah, I think it might be a bit overboard for blind playthroughs. My first playthrough of FE7 was like that on accident though, because I was new to the series and it didn't really register that people couldn't come back. It's been forever since I played that, playing it with more experience might be my excuse to get back into it!

I thought I'd heard that term floating around, thanks for clarifying that!

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