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Special Valentine's Day waifu thread


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Chrom and Tiki (depending on which Avatar I'm playing atm).

I swear I saw some funny Awakening themed Valentine cards going around last year; kinda wonder where they went...

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Why do people who make these threads always only put "waifu" or "wife" or whatever in the titles? There are players who play female Avatars too. What's so wrong with letting husbands have some attention? xP

Anyway, since I don't play a male Avatar, I can only say a possible husband.


Frederick, and only Frederick. :wub: I've explained why like a hundred times already, but the main reasons are that I dig the idea of an ironic situation where the one person that didn't trust the Avatar in the beginning falls in love with her, I love the support, and I love Freddy himself to pieces. :3

Edited by Anacybele
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For me, definitely Sumia! <33 *hides from Bearclaw*

And here is a drawing by Itsuki-Snowflake that is rather suitable for today:


imma cockslap you


you too

Also, if we're discussing this game alone... Sumia, clearly.

Edited by Mango Sentinel
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Resentfully acknowledging my waiufuing of Sully.


I don't have a Waifu right now, but instead I have a Harem. Wait no, that's an orgy.


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That whole article is just pure gold. I'm still laughing as I type. ^^

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