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Delayed the making of so many decisions I might have gotten into trouble


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The thing is unadvertedly, I favored a certain team, but when most of this team got to lvl 20, instead of further advancing them through the ranks or changing them to new classes I thought about researching on the best courses before choosing anything. And so I continued to play the game with a second team, but when these guys reached lvl 20, I once again postponed making any decisions and further continued with a third team, and then a fourth... ^^;

So now I have some 20 characters at lvl 20 in their original classes, with expertise levels of A on all their available weapons (except for Robin, B on both), and S support with their given significant other plus some random A, B, and C support levels. Though I've read on all the different classes, the skills these get you, and their strengths and weaknesses, I'm not so sure I picked the right path for this playthrough, and there are a few I simply have no clue as to what's best for them. So below you'll find the fuzzy ideas I had so far, all options are open to discussion, and I'd highly appreciate your input and support!

Chrom: Cav>GK>GL

Robin: Sorc or Sage>maybe GK>GM

Sumia: ?>DF

Lon Qu: Sorc>maybe SM>Assasin

Cordelia: Cav>GK>DF

Lissa: maybe War Monk>Sorc>Sage

Libra: ???

Sully: ?>GK

Donnel: ?>Merc>?

Maribelle: Sage>Sorc>Valk

Ricken: DM>Sorc>Sage

Stahl: ?>GK

Fred: ???

Panne(lvl 15): Wyvern Rider> Wyvern Lord

Tharja: Mage>Sage>DF>Sorc

Gaius: ?>maybe Trickster>Assassin

Miriel: DM>Sorc>Sage

Gregor: Barbarian>Zerk>Hero

Nowi (lvl 15): ???

Vaike: Barbarian>Zerk>Warrior>Hero

Anna (lvl 5): ???

Olivia (just got her so lvl 1): ???

Just for the sake of completionism~

Kellam (lvl 18): General or GK?

Virion (lvl 9): maybe Sniper

With regards to the means with which I'd make these characters further advance, I have 5 master seals and 5 second seals, and I'm already close to chapter 12 when I'll be able to buy more of these, or so I've read; which is the cause of yet another crazy idea: reclassing all my heavy hitters (Chrom, Robin, Fred, Lon Qu, Stahl, Vaike) into barbarians (for despoils).

On a related note (well, maybe not really related in the end), I got a bunch of those stats permanent boosters. Would you consider I'd be wasting them if I were to use them all in only one or two units? Should I instead use them all according to the relevance of the given stats for say the characters I use the most? Or maybe to strengthen the weakest characters on the roster?

And this one is completely off topic: Only after I finally saw another merchant appear on my world map I dared save again, for I was afraid her death would erase her from my game (up to that point i hadn't seen more than one at the same time ^^;); but I'm still afraid of having lost one of those three villagers to come back and bite me.. please tell me this fact won't get me into trouble D:

As usual, many thanks for your help and patience! :3

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I'm not really sure on some of them, but I can give you a few tips.

Frederick: Well duh I can tell you about this guy! I've practically been abusing him. lol He's harder to do than the others because he levels up slowly, but if you have access to DLC, you can save yourself a lot of time by getting Paragon, the Golden pack (because of Exponential Growth), and a Dread Scroll. You don't need to have ALL of these, but just one of them will help Freddy heaps. I made him a Dread Fighter because it fixes his poopy res and speed, but doesn't hurt his defense or strength much. Plus, he actually starts leveling up fast again for awhile, so getting him to lv. 30 so you can return him to Great Knight or reclass him to a different promoted class isn't as much trouble as it looks. Plus, he definitely benefits from that Res +10 skill.

If you can't get DLC, Freddy is probably best off going through Wyvern Lord and Paladin to pick up skills like Quick Burn and Aegis. Pavise from General can certainly help him too, but it's not necessary since he already has incredible defense.

Donny: Hero or Bow Knight for this guy, no doubt. Donny can pick up Sol doing this, though he can also go Warrior for Counter. But keep him a Villager at least until lv. 15 so he can grab Underdog. However, reclassing him at least once is a MUST, because the Villager's caps suck.

Lon'qu: Swordmaster is my favorite for him. It just fits this guy and he picks up Swordfaire at lv. 15 in addition to Astra at lv. 5.

Vaike: I had Vaike go Hero for Sol, then Berserker so he can grab Axefaire (to pass to Kjelle), but you seem to be interested in doing the same, just in the reverse order, so I won't say anymore here. :P

Lissa: Dark Flier first for Galeforce. Then I had her go back to Sage, cause I'm not sure what else to do with her myself. :P

Stahl: This guy's got an awesome class set. Go Great Knight for Luna and Dual Guard+, then Swordmaster for Astra and Swordfaire. He can also go Paladin for Aegis. I think he has the Archer line too, though that one doesn't give as many goodies as the other two trees he's got.

Olivia: I made her a Swordmaster for Astra, but I haven't done anything else with her yet. She gets the Peg knight line too though, so go Dark Flier for Galeforce for maximum potential!

Sumia: Dark Flier first for Galeforce, yes. She also wants Pavise from her Knight tree because her defense is absolute rubbish. Going General or Great Knight will probably help her poor strength too.

Cordelia: She has a lot of options, but of course, Dark Flier for Galeforce is a must. Cordelia doesn't have much of a magic growth though, so her final class is best off being something that lets her use physical weapons.

And this is all I can tell you. I could help you with your Avatar, but you didn't say the asset and flaw, so. xP

Edited by Anacybele
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Of those heavy hitters, only Robin and Vaike can become barbarians. The villagers thing won't even be mentioned later, their survival only affects the rewards for that chapter. Also, IMO Grandmaster isn't that great of an ending class, as it's often (especially in postgame) best to focus on specific skills rather than being a jack-of-all-trades. Sully shouldn't be a Great Knight, it screws her stats. Paladin is definitely the class she was built for, though she does make a good assassin if you're into that sort of thing.

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The thing is unadvertedly, I favored a certain team, but when most of this team got to lvl 20, instead of further advancing them through the ranks or changing them to new classes I thought about researching on the best courses before choosing anything. And so I continued to play the game with a second team, but when these guys reached lvl 20, I once again postponed making any decisions and further continued with a third team, and then a fourth... ^^;

So now I have some 20 characters at lvl 20 in their original classes, with expertise levels of A on all their available weapons (except for Robin, B on both), and S support with their given significant other plus some random A, B, and C support levels. Though I've read on all the different classes, the skills these get you, and their strengths and weaknesses, I'm not so sure I picked the right path for this playthrough, and there are a few I simply have no clue as to what's best for them. So below you'll find the fuzzy ideas I had so far, all options are open to discussion, and I'd highly appreciate your input and support!

Chrom: Cav>GK>GL

Robin: Sorc or Sage>maybe GK>GM

Sumia: ?>DF

Lon Qu: Sorc>maybe SM>Assasin

Cordelia: Cav>GK>DF

Lissa: maybe War Monk>Sorc>Sage

Libra: ???

Sully: ?>GK

Donnel: ?>Merc>?

Maribelle: Sage>Sorc>Valk

Ricken: DM>Sorc>Sage

Stahl: ?>GK

Fred: ???

Panne(lvl 15): Wyvern Rider> Wyvern Lord

Tharja: Mage>Sage>DF>Sorc

Gaius: ?>maybe Trickster>Assassin

Miriel: DM>Sorc>Sage

Gregor: Barbarian>Zerk>Hero

Nowi (lvl 15): ???

Vaike: Barbarian>Zerk>Warrior>Hero

Anna (lvl 5): ???

Olivia (just got her so lvl 1): ???

Just for the sake of completionism~

Kellam (lvl 18): General or GK?

Virion (lvl 9): maybe Sniper

With regards to the means with which I'd make these characters further advance, I have 5 master seals and 5 second seals, and I'm already close to chapter 12 when I'll be able to buy more of these, or so I've read; which is the cause of yet another crazy idea: reclassing all my heavy hitters (Chrom, Robin, Fred, Lon Qu, Stahl, Vaike) into barbarians (for despoils).

On a related note (well, maybe not really related in the end), I got a bunch of those stats permanent boosters. Would you consider I'd be wasting them if I were to use them all in only one or two units? Should I instead use them all according to the relevance of the given stats for say the characters I use the most? Or maybe to strengthen the weakest characters on the roster?

And this one is completely off topic: Only after I finally saw another merchant appear on my world map I dared save again, for I was afraid her death would erase her from my game (up to that point i hadn't seen more than one at the same time ^^;); but I'm still afraid of having lost one of those three villagers to come back and bite me.. please tell me this fact won't get me into trouble D:

As usual, many thanks for your help and patience! :3

First thing is, characters can only reclass to certain classes. Other than that, I can't say.

Also, it's Master Seals you can buy after chapter 12.

Edited by Levant Caprice
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Oh yeah, I forgot something else. Females that have the Peg knight line can also get Lancefaire via Falcon Knight.

And also, Bow Knight is WAY better than Sniper. They get swords so they're not bow-locked and they have better movement because they're on a horse.

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And also, Bow Knight is WAY better than Sniper. They get swords so they're not bow-locked and they have better movement because they're on a horse.

...As well as having the lowest stat caps in the game. And losing longbow access.

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...As well as having the lowest stat caps in the game. And losing longbow access.

...But... is longbow access really worth being in a bow locked class with rather unimpressive caps? IMHO, the answer to that is... no.

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...But... is longbow access really worth being in a bow locked class with rather unimpressive caps? IMHO, the answer to that is... no.

Don't underestimate Longbows. Being bow locked isn't as bad as it was in previous games either, because you can simply switch sides of the pair up.

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Wow! Seriously.. WOW! I didn't even have time to eat dinner and there are already a handful of [detailed!] answers here! I'm speechless.. so.. speechless.. and happy! xD

I'm not really sure on some of them, but I can give you a few tips.

Frederick: Well duh I can tell you about this guy! I've practically been abusing him. lol He's harder to do than the others because he levels up slowly, but if you have access to DLC, you can save yourself a lot of time by getting Paragon, the Golden pack (because of Exponential Growth), and a Dread Scroll. You don't need to have ALL of these, but just one of them will help Freddy heaps. I made him a Dread Fighter because it fixes his poopy res and speed, but doesn't hurt his defense or strength much. Plus, he actually starts leveling up fast again for awhile, so getting him to lv. 30 so you can return him to Great Knight or reclass him to a different promoted class isn't as much trouble as it looks. Plus, he definitely benefits from that Res +10 skill.

If you can't get DLC, Freddy is probably best off going through Wyvern Lord and Paladin to pick up skills like Quick Burn and Aegis. Pavise from General can certainly help him too, but it's not necessary since he already has incredible defense.

Donny: Hero or Bow Knight for this guy, no doubt. Donny can pick up Sol doing this, though he can also go Warrior for Counter. But keep him a Villager at least until lv. 15 so he can grab Underdog. However, reclassing him at least once is a MUST, because the Villager's caps suck.

Lon'qu: Swordmaster is my favorite for him. It just fits this guy and he picks up Swordfaire at lv. 15 in addition to Astra at lv. 5.

Vaike: I had Vaike go Hero for Sol, then Berserker so he can grab Axefaire (to pass to Kjelle), but you seem to be interested in doing the same, just in the reverse order, so I won't say anymore here. :P

Lissa: Dark Flier first for Galeforce. Then I had her go back to Sage, cause I'm not sure what else to do with her myself. :P

Stahl: This guy's got an awesome class set. Go Great Knight for Luna and Dual Guard+, then Swordmaster for Astra and Swordfaire. He can also go Paladin for Aegis. I think he has the Archer line too, though that one doesn't give as many goodies as the other two trees he's got.

Olivia: I made her a Swordmaster for Astra, but I haven't done anything else with her yet. She gets the Peg knight line too though, so go Dark Flier for Galeforce for maximum potential!

Sumia: Dark Flier first for Galeforce, yes. She also wants Pavise from her Knight tree because her defense is absolute rubbish. Going General or Great Knight will probably help her poor strength too.

Cordelia: She has a lot of options, but of course, Dark Flier for Galeforce is a must. Cordelia doesn't have much of a magic growth though, so her final class is best off being something that lets her use physical weapons.

And this is all I can tell you. I could help you with your Avatar, but you didn't say the asset and flaw, so. xP

Thank you for your input! I'm already aware of your fondness for freddie -read your characters' review and I'm patiently waiting for more ;)

I'm getting the DLC packs so I'm taking notes of your advices for leveling him up to 20 took a looong time. Actually, he was part of the first team, and all the other teams.. now that I think about it, he was almost the very last to reach lvl 20 ==U

So, should I already change Donny's class since he's already 20? Or should I make him go all the way to 30 Villager?

I like both Zerk and Hero for Vaike, but I thought about picking Hero for his final class only due to looks to be honest ^^;

Sorry about the asset/flaw thingie! Male Main Unit with +Speed/-luck ^^

Of those heavy hitters, only Robin and Vaike can become barbarians. The villagers thing won't even be mentioned later, their survival only affects the rewards for that chapter. Also, IMO Grandmaster isn't that great of an ending class, as it's often (especially in postgame) best to focus on specific skills rather than being a jack-of-all-trades. Sully shouldn't be a Great Knight, it screws her stats. Paladin is definitely the class she was built for, though she does make a good assassin if you're into that sort of thing.

I was not aware of this thing about open class posibilities.. o.o; now I have to rethink the whole thing T_T

At least now I can rest assured that no ill would come out of a crazy villager xP

Hmm.. what about making her a Sin first and the a Pally? 8D

First thing is, characters can only reclass to certain classes. Other than that, I can't say.

Also, it's Master Seals you can buy after chapter 12.

Thanks for that! Now I know better.. and sorry for such heresy~ ^^;

Oh yeah, I forgot something else. Females that have the Peg knight line can also get Lancefaire via Falcon Knight.

And also, Bow Knight is WAY better than Sniper. They get swords so they're not bow-locked and they have better movement because they're on a horse.

Duly noted~ Bow Knight it shall be for Virion :3

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...But... is longbow access really worth being in a bow locked class with rather unimpressive caps? IMHO, the answer to that is... no.

Even with swords and bows, you're still stuck only being able to counterattack at just 1 range or just 2 range. Well, that, or Ragnell, or *shudder* levin swords. Granted, that's better than nothing, but it's something to think about. And yes, longbows are excellent, especially in Lunatic modes. Being able to render your enemy unable to counterattack is an invaluable option.
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...As well as having the lowest stat caps in the game. And losing longbow access.

Didn't know about the caps.. and I do like longbows; real ones, I haven't tried them in the game yet.. are they that good? D: if they are, i might be in trouble deciding this one.. d*mn you, Virion~

...But... is longbow access really worth being in a bow locked class with rather unimpressive caps? IMHO, the answer to that is... no.

This is my first serious runthrough (I first had a feel for the game mechanics) including DLC for my first FE game, so I'm utmost curious when it comes to how decisions during early stages of the game would affect the final part of the game and postgame. In your opinion, should I strive for the highest versatility possible for all units? Because it's likely that there are other characters I might end up having locked into a one weapon only class.. o.oa

Don't underestimate Longbows. Being bow locked isn't as bad as it was in previous games either, because you can simply switch sides of the pair up.

I thought about the switching! But then again, he's not marrying anyone.. so no S support x'D

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Even with swords and bows, you're still stuck only being able to counterattack at just 1 range or just 2 range. Well, that, or Ragnell, or *shudder* levin swords. Granted, that's better than nothing, but it's something to think about. And yes, longbows are excellent, especially in Lunatic modes. Being able to render your enemy unable to counterattack is an invaluable option.

Wait! so longbows here have a really long range instead of bows' meager 2 spaces??? a la FFT or Ogre Battle? D:

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Don't underestimate Longbows. Being bow locked isn't as bad as it was in previous games either, because you can simply switch sides of the pair up.

But on the other hand, snipers just have so very little going for them relative to the other class options with bows that I just don't consider them worth it.

Even with swords and bows, you're still stuck only being able to counterattack at just 1 range or just 2 range. Well, that, or Ragnell, or *shudder* levin swords. Granted, that's better than nothing, but it's something to think about. And yes, longbows are excellent, especially in Lunatic modes. Being able to render your enemy unable to counterattack is an invaluable option.

You have a point. But... it's still not enough imho, given that this game isn't as kind to snipers as the DS games were.

Wait! so longbows here have a really long range instead of bows' meager 2 spaces??? a la FFT or Ogre Battle? D:

No. They do get extended attack range as opposed to other bows, though.

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Anyone who says Longbows are bad can answer to this.


That's -NOT- some random Sorc. That's the likes of Invinicisorc getting glassed there. [Good luck Nosfertanking against Range 3.]

Wait! so longbows here have a really long range instead of bows' meager 2 spaces??? a la FFT or Ogre Battle? D:

Longbows and the Double Bow [Legendary Longbow] have 2-3 Range.

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Anyone who says Longbows are bad can answer to this.


That's -NOT- some random Sorc. That's the likes of Invinicisorc getting glassed there. [Good luck Nosfertanking against Range 3.]

I'm impressed...not. And it's not like I can be when you need to bring up something from one specific postgame map to illustrate your point.

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But on the other hand, snipers just have so very little going for them relative to the other class options with bows that I just don't consider them worth it.

You have a point. But... it's still not enough imho, given that this game isn't as kind to snipers as the DS games were.

No. They do get extended attack range as opposed to other bows, though.

Oh I see.. it's nevertheless better than only two spaces.. ^^;

And I think AC remembered my mentioning of my plan to challenge the post game on a different thread, so I think his backing up on RT's input is relevant in this particular case ;)

I am still undecided on either going for weapon versatility and extra movement, or better range/scope on only weapon instead.. then again, it's just Virion so I'm kicking this one to the very last wagon of the long train of decisions I need to make T_T

Anyone who says Longbows are bad can answer to this.


That's -NOT- some random Sorc. That's the likes of Invinicisorc getting glassed there. [Good luck Nosfertanking against Range 3.]

Longbows and the Double Bow [Legendary Longbow] have 2-3 Range.

Thanks for the info! Seriously! After looking at that I'd better not screw up anything on my way to postgame, for those dudes look like really serious business D:

Edited by Tawaraya
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...As well as having the lowest stat caps in the game. And losing longbow access.

Whaaat. Well that's just dumb, not having longbow access. Low stat caps could be a problem though. >_<

Tawaraya: You're quite welcome! :) And I figured you noticed how much I love Freddy lol. I believe I HAVE made it pretty obvious by now. XD

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Whaaat. Well that's just dumb, not having longbow access. Low stat caps could be a problem though. >_<

Tawaraya: You're quite welcome! :) And I figured you noticed how much I love Freddy lol. I believe I HAVE made it pretty obvious by now. XD

Longbow/Double Bow are special weapons.

Special Weapons are locked to specific Classes/Promotions:

Rapiers -> Lords (Great Lords) [Lodestar is a Lord]

Katanas (Amatsu, Sol Katti. Why the hell aren't there Wo Daos?) -> Myrmidons (Swordmaster)

Dark Magic -> Dark Mages (Sorcerer) [Except with Shadowgift]

Longbows -> Archers (Sniper)

A note that all of the Special Weapons classes [save for Lords, although Lodestar is Swordlocked] are weaponlocked.

SMs only have Swords

Sorcs only have Tomes

Snipers only have Bows

...Zerks didn't get a special weapon... but really do they need one when they sit on the throne of "best physical support unit"?

Edited by Airship Canon
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Whaaat. Well that's just dumb, not having longbow access. Low stat caps could be a problem though. >_<

Tawaraya: You're quite welcome! :) And I figured you noticed how much I love Freddy lol. I believe I HAVE made it pretty obvious by now. XD

Yup, it's all over the place.. in neon xD

Longbow/Double Bow are special weapons.

Special Weapons are locked to specific Classes/Promotions:

Rapiers -> Lords (Great Lords) [Lodestar is a Lord]

Katanas (Amatsu, Sol Katti. Why the hell aren't there Wo Daos?) -> Myrmidons (Swordmaster)

Dark Magic -> Dark Mages (Sorcerer) [Except with Shadowgift]

Longbows -> Archers (Sniper)

A note that all of the Special Weapons classes [save for Lords, although Lodestar is Swordlocked] are weaponlocked.

SMs only have Swords

Sorcs only have Tomes

Snipers only have Bows

...Zerks didn't get a special weapon... but really do they need one when they sit on the throne of "best physical support unit"?

Zerks rule~ :3

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I'm impressed...not. And it's not like I can be when you need to bring up something from one specific postgame map to illustrate your point.

If that one specific enemy from one specific postgame map is notorious enough that it has it's own widely accepted (at least on this forum) fan name, I'd call it a worthy example.

TC, it's important to keep in mind that class paths aren't permanent- you can keep reclassing for more stats/skills until you run out of exp, and DLC provides an infinite source of that. The things you can "screw up" are things that are irreversable- pairings, gender-specific passed down skills, and your Avatar's gender/asset/flaw. The things that can always be changed to focus on are your skills and current class.

The other thing to keep in mind is that children, with one exception (Lucina!Morgan due to no DS+) always have the potential to be better combat units than their parents. It's probably better to do your class planning for them instead, and only focus on how to get the parents the skills you want to pass down. For the parents, class routes don't matter postgame anyway because you'll get all their important skills before they're capped with LB 99% of the time.

Despoil is nice for farming and can sometimes be better than Armsthrift, but doesn't matter in the long run because a) you can get cash much faster from DLC, and b) Leif's blades do the same thing but don't require going through an axelocked male only tier 1 class.

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Longbow/Double Bow are special weapons.

Special Weapons are locked to specific Classes/Promotions:

Rapiers -> Lords (Great Lords) [Lodestar is a Lord]

Katanas (Amatsu, Sol Katti. Why the hell aren't there Wo Daos?) -> Myrmidons (Swordmaster)

Dark Magic -> Dark Mages (Sorcerer) [Except with Shadowgift]

Longbows -> Archers (Sniper)

A note that all of the Special Weapons classes [save for Lords, although Lodestar is Swordlocked] are weaponlocked.

SMs only have Swords

Sorcs only have Tomes

Snipers only have Bows

...Zerks didn't get a special weapon... but really do they need one when they sit on the throne of "best physical support unit"?

Oh, I hadn't noticed this. Thanks for pointing it out. xP

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If that one specific enemy from one specific postgame map is notorious enough that it has it's own widely accepted (at least on this forum) fan name, I'd call it a worthy example.

Then we are at an impasse. I still think that one specific enemy isn't enough to make them worth it - being good against one specific enemy doesn't excuse sucking it up and being nearly useless and/or outclassed against everything else.

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Then we are at an impasse. I still think that one specific enemy isn't enough to make them worth it - being good against one specific enemy doesn't excuse sucking it up and being nearly useless and/or outclassed against everything else.

You're implying that it's only useful against the invincisorc. What about the various snipers throughout the map? The Helswath 'Zerker? Anna? Any enemy that has a 1-2/2-range weapon will not be able to counterattack Longbows/Double Bows.

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If that one specific enemy from one specific postgame map is notorious enough that it has it's own widely accepted (at least on this forum) fan name, I'd call it a worthy example.

TC, it's important to keep in mind that class paths aren't permanent- you can keep reclassing for more stats/skills until you run out of exp, and DLC provides an infinite source of that. The things you can "screw up" are things that are irreversable- pairings, gender-specific passed down skills, and your Avatar's gender/asset/flaw. The things that can always be changed to focus on are your skills and current class.

The other thing to keep in mind is that children, with one exception (Lucina!Morgan due to no DS+) always have the potential to be better combat units than their parents. It's probably better to do your class planning for them instead, and only focus on how to get the parents the skills you want to pass down. For the parents, class routes don't matter postgame anyway because you'll get all their important skills before they're capped with LB 99% of the time.

Despoil is nice for farming and can sometimes be better than Armsthrift, but doesn't matter in the long run because a) you can get cash much faster from DLC, and b) Leif's blades do the same thing but don't require going through an axelocked male only tier 1 class.

Thanks a bunch for these useful bits of info! I was under the impression that even though infinite reclassing is possible, the speed with which you keep advancing through levels gets severely hindered once you reach the max IL. So I was trying to get it right the first time in order to avoid gargantuan efforts grinding them all the way they were supposed to ^^; but, since you say DLC will have that issue covered, I won't worry with this anymore.. :P

Gah.. this reminds me I need to get all the skills I want the children to inherit, and then remember the right moments I must have them "equipped".. anxiety is surely gonna run wild when I get there T_T

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You're implying that it's only useful against the invincisorc. What about the various snipers throughout the map? The Helswath 'Zerker? Anna? Any enemy that has a 1-2/2-range weapon will not be able to counterattack Longbows/Double Bows.

Again, while you may have a point, imo it's not really enough to justify putting up with a mono-bow class. At least the other bow classes had an alternate weapon for use if things went wrong.

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