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Has This Ever Happened to Anyone?


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Hey there guys it is me again with yet another question. So I was hacking FE4 with nightmare all looked like it was going well until it came down to Leaf and Altenna! something in the game is wrong now and I don`t know how to fix the problem without starting my hack over again completely that I am trying to avoid though as I put countless hours and days of work into it as is and I`m so close to being done. So anyways the problem I see Altenna and she shows up with absurdly high stats Cuan or Ethlin did not have those stats I tested it two ways by both training them and not. But the high stats thing is not the problem it is on the chapter after the problem comes when I make Leaf try and talk to her to recruit her the recruit option does not show up!! so she can never join! this is a big problem as i don`t want any of the playable characters like that screwed up. I don`t know what could cause that in nightmare I checked the 1st gen base love points and lovers thing and fixed it I think,as while playing around in nightmare I changed Siglud and Ethlin love points but I reverted to normal I think I believe it was originally 0. I checked Children definition section of nightmare that is all normal Leaf is still Altenna`s brother so I don`t know what could mess them up. Maybe it is the hacked equipment?? i do have ethlin with the circlet which is a diadora/yuria only item hmm or maybe it is because she has the Tyrfing? hmm maybe not the Tyrfing as everyone else behaves normal with it. I don`t know something broke and I want to know a way to fix it Altenna has to be connected to something in the game that i maybe messed up and not noticed.

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Paragraphs are your friends. Also, from what you've said, it's not clear what's gone wrong. Compile an IPS patch and post it with a save, I'll take a look when I get a chance to.

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i'm having trouble thinking of a time when i've had to decipher a more incoherent block of text

at least ayanami spaces out her lines

TLDR: Changed something that they can't remember in nightmare, something broke? Nag, remember that Leaf can only talk to Altenna to make her retreat, I believe Celice is the one who recruits her. In Nag's defense, his post doesn't have like eleven images in it and quote responses to everything!

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TLDR: Changed something that they can't remember in nightmare, something broke? Nag, remember that Leaf can only talk to Altenna to make her retreat, I believe Celice is the one who recruits her. In Nag's defense, his post doesn't have like eleven images in it and quote responses to everything!

Yes exactly that is what I meant that is the problem right there when i make Leaf go to speak to her to have her retreat he can`t! at all no matter how hard I try. So yeah I was wondering what could have gone wrong there.

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Did you play around with the inheritance editor? THat's the only thing I can think of.

inheritance editor? hmm I don`t think I touched that but I will check it out why didn`t i think to look in there? Ah wait you mean the children editor thing? with what parents are major influence? etc. as I don`t see an inheritance editor in mine there is only but so much stuff for the children chars.

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The only issue I can think of is that you've messed with character ID's, Do you remember which modules you toyed with?

Hmm could that be? I don`t know I don`t think I did as far as I know Altenna`s current ID number is 20 I believe that is correct here is a photo. But Yeah I am looking around in the children editors and so far I am not seeing anything wrong her ID number is supposed to be 20 right? And last but not least Leaf has 5 as his unit number.


Edited by Naglfar94
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hey guys ok I feel really stupid right now sigh yes yes you can laugh at me if you want... But I found out the problem in my hack it was so simple and easy to fix you know why Leaf could not speak with Altenna? it was because Fin was dead when I got there in my frantic rush to fly through the game to look at and test all the stuff I let Fin die in all the chaos on a previous chapter. So on the next Chapter Fin never told Leaf in the talk they have about Altenna because well..he died Lol I seriously did not know that this bit of info should be added to FE4 guides/walkthroughs etc. so people can know Lol so they won`t think they are stuck hack or no hack haha so yeah don`t let Fin die!

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