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Canas's second death quote


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this is incredibly minor as far as basically anything goes but w/e i'm bored and i think i'm onto something here

anyway, as we probably all know Canas has a mysterious second death quote in FE7, in which he says "Mother... Forgive me... Take care... of...Hugh..." SF still says it's unknown where this one is used, if at all, as do both wikis, and on a quick check of the forums i can't find anyone mentioning finding it so i take it it's still unknown by the community at large where it's meant to happen. if i'm wrong about this, oh well

anyway i was poking around a final chapter save file for the hell of it, and while doing so i do believe i found it in action


that's right, Canas's second death quote is used (possibly exclusively) in the final chapter. i've checked that it works in both parts of the finale, but i don't know if it possibly occurs in any preceding chapters; i don't have the necessary save files on hand to confirm any point between the finale and like chapter 25. to clarify: yes, this is a vanilla FE7 ROM with no alterations whatsoever. nope, i'm not trying to pull a fast one here. for the record this is in Hector's story; for all i know, Eliwood's finale just uses his usual one but i can't check that at the moment

on a minor side note, out of curiosity i checked the other four European translations for the hell of it and they all keep the line as well, except the German and Spanish versions appears to have mistranslated it slightly: there he just says "take care of... urgh..."

so er


that sure is a thing

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on a minor side note, out of curiosity i checked the other four European translations for the hell of it and they all keep the line as well, except the German and Spanish versions appears to have mistranslated it slightly: there he just says "take care of... urgh..."

Is it perhaps because Hugh looks like some sort of weird onomatopoeia in German and Spanish? Not saying it is, just a suggestion is all.

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Is it perhaps because Hugh looks like some sort of weird onomatopoeia in German and Spanish? Not saying it is, just a suggestion is all.

my guess is that they assumed that "hugh" is an English onomatopoeia. can't blame them, really; it's hardly much of a stretch by English standards to interpret Hugh as being a misspelling of "whew"

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Just killed canas twice in chapter 22, living legend, eliwood mode. He used the quote about hugh both times. This is on an actual cartridge, on a file that says "13 play", i vaugely remember talk that it could be linked to how many times you've completed the game.

Later, i'll push through to him on hectors mode and see what he says in his join chapter. This will be cartridge as well.

Hope this is actually helping.

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Just checked my physical copy, and on Hector Normal mode final chapter he does not have the Hugh quote. Maybe it has to do with the playthrough count?

My playthrough count is 7.

Wait, your game is a European copy? mine is the US release. If that matters.

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Mine is US also. I believe the rumored playthrough count was 10. But thats something i heard years ago, and i dont remember where. But i cant think of anything else that would affect it besides maybe supports and actually using him for a few playthroughs, or at least letting him survive.

Does he talk about his kids in particular in any of his supports?

Edit: nevermind. My canas has only ever supported bartre. Unless supporting in general is the trigger (theydo have an A support). But thats from a previous playthrough.

So how do we reverse engineer this shit?

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Mine is US also. I believe the rumored playthrough count was 10. But thats something i heard years ago, and i dont remember where. But i cant think of anything else that would affect it besides maybe supports and actually using him for a few playthroughs, or at least letting him survive.

Does he talk about his kids in particular in any of his supports?

Edit: nevermind. My canas has only ever supported bartre. Unless supporting in general is the trigger (theydo have an A support). But thats from a previous playthrough.

So how do we reverse engineer this shit?

Canas talks about Hugh in his supports with Nino, but he doesn't mention his son by name. (though I doubt supports do it)

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huh, i never expected the plot to thicken quite this much. for the record, i tested this initially on a US ROM, then on both European ROMs (English/French/German and English/Spanish/Italian), all with the same save file, and it's present in all three. the save file has a playthrough count of 11 and Canas has no supports whatsoever. also, it's Hector Hard Mode

i'm not sure whether to be unsurprised or completely confused about how IS seems to have gone out of their way to make this, the tiniest possible thing, absolutely convoluted. seriously, why did they even bother? why not just give him one or the other and be done with it, instead of playing hard-to-get with a tiny FE6 reference

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  • 4 weeks later...

Curious, and doesn't really apply to the english version, but does the japanese version trigger it with the FE6 link up? (There was a FE6 link up, right? It disabled Lyns tutorial mode/let you see extended epilogue on first playthrough? Is my mind making things up again?)

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