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When Smash Brothers 4 arrives..


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The other day I was speaking with Vashiane about the fun of Smash 4 online and I thought to mention here.

Who is up for some tourneys when it starts up? We could have Wii U Cups, 3DS Cups, Doubles in both too.

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I'd be down for it, though I personally don't want the tournaments to start too soon after the game's release. I mean, not everyone will be able to buy it that soon and people will probably need plenty of practice time before they're ready for a tournament (even if it's not MLG level).

Edited by Randoman
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I already brought up this idea awhile back in the general thread. xP

But yes, the tourneys obviously won't start right away, lol, we all need practice, especially if we plan on maining any of the newcomers. :P

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Good to see some positive reception. I'm also up for gimmick tournaments like for example.

Tourney of Blades (only sword users)

Grand Prix Championship (Fastest runners only)

Among many other things. We can have all sorts of fun with the game.

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Oh yeah, and when I AM ready for a tournament, don't expect me to be like I am in Pokemon! Where I was never good in Pokemon battling, I kicked ass in fighting games. I used to crush my brothers all the time in them and I've beaten several very good players in Brawl online. ;)

I'm talking competitive matches too, so while I don't play competitive Pokemon, I play serious competitive Smash Bros. The only reason I didn't like Melee as much as Brawl is that Brawl's slower pace works a lot better for me. :P

Edited by Anacybele
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A little recreational tournament the day it releases (or around the release day) sounds like a neat idea. Nobody's going to have experience with the game, so it could be fun

Gimmicky stuff sounds cool also. Newcomers only could be a potential restriction

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A little recreational tournament the day it releases (or around the release day) sounds like a neat idea. Nobody's going to have experience with the game, so it could be fun

Gimmicky stuff sounds cool also. Newcomers only could be a potential restriction

We'll see how many get the game right on release, not sure if I will considering job corps pay is so low.

Yes newcomers only could be one

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Insert typical quote online warrior unquote BABY I WAS BORN TO





shit talk here

(I'm down) ('08-era sf brawl coolkids represent)

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You shall all behold my mediocre fighting game skills(unless it's DBZ BT3 in which I would beat you all)!

Behold I say!

Now I wish BT3 had online. Have

Looks like we are fired up! That's all well and good. But remember fun is the key, let us not be bitter over losses or misfortune. Let us be smashers who while we like to smack talk and compete, we can better each other and even do goofy matches and just have a blast

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Now I wish BT3 had online. Have

Looks like we are fired up! That's all well and good. But remember fun is the key, let us not be bitter over losses or misfortune. Let us be smashers who while we like to smack talk and compete, we can better each other and even do goofy matches and just have a blast

Well the wii version had online, but no one cares about the wii version.

I am so hyped for this game I'd say you don't even know but you probably do.

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As the SF's Resident Fighting Game Elitist (trademark pending), I feel obligated to call people out when there's even the slightest hint of a challenge to my title.

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Don't mind Poly, he's always like that~

As for the topic at hand, I probably wouldn't participate because I suck at SSB. I'd definitely follow the tourneys, though.

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Oh, well, I had no idea about any SF Fighting Game Elitist, so my mistake. I didn't mean to imply that I thought I was the best or anything, only a pretty good player. :P

Not to say I'd mind playing against you, of course.

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Don't mind Poly, he's always like that~

As for the topic at hand, I probably wouldn't participate because I suck at SSB. I'd definitely follow the tourneys, though.

Never hurts to try! Have some fun in matches with us all at least! I can see some 4 people ffa's for fun being common place

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