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Underdog Help..


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Can I use a class that can reach level 30 (Manaketes, Taguels, Dread Fighters, Brides, Villagers, Lodestar, Conqueror, and Dancer) for underdog?

Will it work as an advance class, so that it gets a +50(30+20) hit/avoid?

For example, Leif (DLC version of Leif, Dread Fighter level 30), with Underdog, All breakers, and Superior weapon would be super-dodging? or perhaps Morgan would work better because of Supports (although I don't want to do this with Morgan).

I couldn't really find this anywhere else, so I just posted this topic. Help please.

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If I remeber correctly its shown level rather than internal level so if said unit were to be class changed to a level one unit they would get the effects of underdog. Example: Donnel is a level 30 Villager. Gets reclassed to a level 1 mercenary, gets underdog bonuses against. A level 5 Myrmidon.

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I'm a big confused about what you're asking. Underdog doesn't give +50 hit/avoid. It gives +15 hit/avoid, as long as your level is less than your opponents. I never tested that extensively, but I expect that promoted enemies count at +20, so if you're level 30 in a special class, then you'll gain the benefits as long as you're fighting an enemy at level 11 promoted or greater.

I presume you mean giving Leif all but one breaker, but that weapons superior X to add that breaker in, and Underdog skill? If so... yeah, you get +65 avoid/hit against all most enemies (Manakete and Grima being notable exceptions), but you're stuck using a low use, one range, unforgable (?) weapon, which is hardly what you want. And using that combination gives you other weaknesses. You have no other skills, no Limit Breaker (which is +15 hit/avoid in itself, as well as everything else!), no Galeforce, you're vulnerable against other enemies with breakers and enemies with Hawkeye... the list of issues goes on. I would much rather run an avoid set that was something like Limit Breaker, Quick Burn, Lucky Seven, Underdog, and then one more slot for whatever I need (a proc, or more avoid like Avoid+10 or a breaker, or Galeforce...). You get a similar payout (+65 avoid, at first), but with fewer skill slots used.

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I'm a big confused about what you're asking. Underdog doesn't give +50 hit/avoid. It gives +15 hit/avoid, as long as your level is less than your opponents. I never tested that extensively, but I expect that promoted enemies count at +20, so if you're level 30 in a special class, then you'll gain the benefits as long as you're fighting an enemy at level 11 promoted or greater.

I presume you mean giving Leif all but one breaker, but that weapons superior X to add that breaker in, and Underdog skill? If so... yeah, you get +65 avoid/hit against all most enemies (Manakete and Grima being notable exceptions), but you're stuck using a low use, one range, unforgable (?) weapon, which is hardly what you want. And using that combination gives you other weaknesses. You have no other skills, no Limit Breaker (which is +15 hit/avoid in itself, as well as everything else!), no Galeforce, you're vulnerable against other enemies with breakers and enemies with Hawkeye... the list of issues goes on. I would much rather run an avoid set that was something like Limit Breaker, Quick Burn, Lucky Seven, Underdog, and then one more slot for whatever I need (a proc, or more avoid like Avoid+10 or a breaker, or Galeforce...). You get a similar payout (+65 avoid, at first), but with fewer skill slots used.

Superior Weapons are forgeable, and Dread Fighters can at least use Superior Jolts to have 2 range. And LB gives (10*3+10)/2 = 20 Avo, not 15.

That said, Avo stacking is a viable streetpass tactic (well, as much as anything can be viable there), but it doesn't work that well in-game for a variety of reasons (including that it's overkill for anything but Hawkeye long before you max out your skills- Nightmare Sniper can be reduced to 0% hit rate without Bowbreaker/a Superior Bow). If you must do it, it would be better to stack Lucky 7, Quick Burn and one situation-appropriate Breaker so you still have two skillslots open for other important things.

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