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Awakening novelization or tv series ideas

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After playing the game I thought that I'd love to see the story put into a novel or tv series/anime format, either in 3 novels or 3 seasons. I thought this mught be a good place to get opinions on my ideas for how such a book or tv series would play out.

Book/Season 1The beginning is largely the same. The fight with Validar and then Robin waking up to Chrom and Lissa. Robin is female. During the fight with the brigands Robin shows how she 'sees' things on the battlefield by noticing an archer attempting to kill Chrom from the second floor window of a nearby house, pushing him out of the way, and firing a lightning bolt at the archer. When questioned about possibly injuring innocents with her magic she reveals that she saw the family that lived there fleeing earlier in the fight, so she knew the brigand was the only one in the house at the time.

Of the Sheperds, Chrom and Lissa are the only ones to really trust Robin to start out with; the rest share Fredrick's suspicions. Robin is not made the group tactician, but is a 'tactician in training.' She is also not confident in her ablities yet. Book 1 or season 1 is a coming of age story for Robin as well as Chrom. Still, Chrom turns to her for advice a lot, causing some resentment from Sumia and Cordelia.

The conevrsations between Robin and Chrom are a mix of the male and female supports. They do not both see each other naked in the bathhouse.

Sumia is more of a pacifist than in the game, but it only comes up in private.

The fight to save Nowi occurs earlier, and Robin realizes that she must have been with the Grimleal because her hand has their mark. This causes another personal crisis for her and rekindles some of the mistrust between her and the sheperds. It falls to Chrom to keep the peace in his army and keep Robin from quitting, which is when they start to get romantically involved.

The news of Emmeryn's impending excecution is when Robin steps up and becomes more confident and the group's full fledged tactician. Though the plan fails because of the sudden appearence of the Risen, it earns Robin the respect of most of the sheperds. Plus Tharja replaces Robin as the resident untrustworthy scary person of the group. The mysterious figure that saved Validar is shown to have had something to do with the Risen appearing.

The end of the war with Plegia is largely the same. Rickon and Maribelle become an item after he saves her. Not sure about who else hooks up. 2 sheperds die.

Book/Season 2 Chrom and Robin are married and have little Lucina, and the Sheperds have learned to like her, though Sumia and Cordelia are still somewhat resentful of her marrying Chrom. That resentment comes to a head during the war with with Valm, when Robin seperates the armies and puts the Pegasus Knights in a battlefield other than the one Chrom fights in.

The revelation that she is Validar's daughter and the sight of her doppleganger bring back Robin's old self doubts about having been part of the grimleal. She spends the book/season worried about what that means for the future Lucina predicts.

Lucina is the one that finds Morgan, since she is the only one that knows him already, though his near-complete amnesia about everything other than Robin remains. He stays with the group but does not do much, if any fighting this book/season.

Lucina has to be shown to love her mother and brother, but also that she worships her father.

The other children show up to help in Valm, having not lost their memories and knowing their history.

Robin is shown going after Basilio to 'give him advice' after Lucina's warning about him dying.

The biggest change is the prominence given to Cervantes and especially to Excellus. After the defeat of Yin'fey Excellus uses his teleporting ability to sneak into the camp and kidnaps Robin. He holds her hostage in the castle of one of the dynasts as a trap for Chrom and because he thinks that without their tactician the sheperds aren't smart enough to outwit him again. But Chrom, recognizing his mistake with Emmeryn and knowing Robin would never want him to walk into a trap for her sake, decides to attack Walhart directly instead. Robin is freed after the dynasts switch sides again and does not play a part in the final battle.

4/5 sheperds die.

Book/Season 3 Begins more slowly, with the cast spending more time (weeks/months) in Ylisstol while Fredrick looks for the final jewel. There is a strong sense of forboding and that it is 'the calm before the storm.' Lucina and Robin talk about Lucina's plans for after they stop Grima to set up for the big 'Id: Sorrow' scene.

This is the least changed book/season of the 3. Most of the changes are references to past changes, such as Robin bringing up Chrom's decision not to mount a rescue mission for her in book/season 2 when asking him to kill her if Vaildar should gain control of her.

Grima is given scenes where he destroys vasts lands and mountains either by landing on them with his huge bulk or by breathing fire on them. This is to show just how much of a threat he is. I'm thinking that his first act after awakening is to find a 'lost' colony of manaketes and destroy them in battle with their dragon forms.

It is revealed that even after being fully awakened Grima still wants to merge with Robin to have even more power, enough to become much stronger than Naga and end her instead of being merely equal.

Robin sacrifices herself to end Grima for good and disappears. The others mourn. 4-6 sheperds die.

So, um, what do you guy think of these ideas.

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Too many problems with trying to make any kind of Book/TV series out of this game, some being:

1) MU gender. You said female, but some people play male, which would turn some people off the idea.

2) Pairings. You'd have to step on a lot of people's opinions.

3) ... The story of this game is terrible.

Edited by Gaius217
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I feel like Avatar female is the right gender. It makes the ending seem way less gay, anyway. As well as the whole Chrom pulling me up by my hand thing. Seemed like that opening scene made it pretty clear the original character was supposed to be female.

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If any game should have a TV series/Book it's FE7.

Which has the latter, iirc, but it's JP only.

FE13... had a sucky story, compared to FE7 and FE10 Part III.

So, yeah, there are more deserving tales the series has to offer.

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I did not think people would get so worked up over something that could only ever come to pass in a fanfic. It's not like I work for Nintendo and my version would become anything official or preclude other

Make Robin male and forget the parts where Sumia and Cordelia are jealous if you want. I have Robin be female and Chrom's wife because to me everything revolves around the 'Id: Sorrow' scene and to me that scene is at its best when they are mother and daughter. If you disagree then fine. In terms of personality I don't have a preference for who marries Chrom. Having Sumia and Cordelia be jealous is just one of several ways of introducing more intra-group conflict, thought that can be solved with just having more people than Fredrick distrust him/her.

The comment that Robin is a dick confuses me the most. Is it the part where she sends the Pegasus Knights to fight a different battle? Because there are plenty of reasons why that would be a good idea, like any time they fight indoors where a flying horse wouldn't do any good. Other than that there is no point where she is a 'dick' to anyone.

Most of the changes to the first part are mostly about making Robin less of a Mary/Gary Stu. Starting out less liked, less skilled, and less confident and staying that way until much later. The Valm campaign has the biggest changes because I felt it was the weakest part. The part I wanted the most comments on was having Excellus kidnap Robin so he/she is not there for the final fight with Walhart. Clearly I should have just said 'my changes to the story' instead of being more ambitious in thinking of the format. That way I would only have listed things that don't happen in the game no matter how you play. I also mistook this as a place where people like the story, since I figured people who thought it sucked wouldn't be on the forums specifically about the game.

Edited by hersheyman
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Eh, unfortunately, I think this forum has a bit of the "Prequel Trilogy" blues. Whereas a story that's not quite as well written as it's successors (even if it's not actually that bad on it's own) AND is a radical departure in tone is just a recipe for disaster.

As for the kidnapping bit...hmm...I'd add in a bit more conflict with Chrom. Instead of him simply realizing his mistake, have him originally want to rescue Robin, but then be talked out of it by a combination of Frederick and Co.'s pragmatic and clearheaded advice, his own failures in the past, and Lucina desperately pleading him to live so that "she won't be all alone, all over again!", or something like that. Maybe even have a dramatic monologue from Lucina about how much he means and how crushed she'd be if he died once again.

And then, possibly, have something where Chrom finds a new advisor that excels in the areas that he's weak in. Because Avatar or not, he's not exactly the thinking type.

EDIT: And while Robin is in Excellus's crushes, maybe have Walhart let her go out of some sense of "I will NOT win with such DISHONORABLE tactics!". And have some scene where Walhart tells Robin all about his motivations, and why things have to be the way they are. Robin tries to make him see reason, but no success. She's simply told to return to Chrom, and face him in battle, LIKE WARRIORS!!! Or, something like that.

Edited by FionordeQuester
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I did not think people would get so worked up over something that could only ever come to pass in a fanfic.

This is the Awakening forum on Serenes Forest. We generally accept Awakening's story to be horrible.

Not to mention the very design of the game be vague and to do whatever you want with pairings will cause anyone taking the setting of the game to step on people's toes.

If you want actual usable feedback, I suggest looking elsewhere.

I feel like Avatar female is the right gender. It makes the ending seem way less gay, anyway. As well as the whole Chrom pulling me up by my hand thing. Seemed like that opening scene made it pretty clear the original character was supposed to be female.

Better writing of Chrom's supports with the male would like a word with you.


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I also mistook this as a place where people like the story, since I figured people who thought it sucked wouldn't be on the forums specifically about the game.

Brawl is a pretty popular game, but go on any major SSB forum and see just how many people love tripping. Just because there's a forum filled with enthusiasts for one particular game doesn't mean they like every part of it (I can't think of any game that I've considered completely flawless).

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The shipping wars would be unreal, and way too many people would get mad about Robin's gender. It's a nice idea at first glance, but the whole thing would fall apart, honestly.

Am I the only one who thinks Robin's chin is really masculine when they're hooded...

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Am I the only one who thinks Robin's chin is really masculine when they're hooded...

Not the only one. The avatar when hooded (and in the cutscenes) looks more masculine than feminine to me.

Regardless, I think this is a terrible idea. Making the avatar canonically female will step on a lot of toes (mine included, I prefer male avatar). Pairing Chrom/feMU will step on even more toes. The WAY you're trying to pair them up will step on them even harder. Despite trying to make your feMU less Mary Sue-ish, you've somehow made her even bigger of a Mary Sue than the game already depicts the avatar.

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I'd rather see a more professionally made version of the FE3 OVA, not because I dislike Awakening story but because adapting a linear story into a linear format is much less of headache.

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The shipping wars would be unreal, and way too many people would get mad about Robin's gender. It's a nice idea at first glance, but the whole thing would fall apart, honestly.

Am I the only one who thinks Robin's chin is really masculine when they're hooded...

Looks masculine to me.

To be fair, most adaptations of FE-- manga, novelization, whatever-- have made pairing choices and killed off characters and such... or just left out characters entirely. BUT the drama CDs for Awakening have gone out of their way to dance around the issue on pairings so yeah, that sounds like IS does consider pairings a problem.

Not interested in f!Robin, either.

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