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FE12 Reclass Experiments

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If it's by RNG. . .uh, good luck. I'm assuming you're on Hard/Normal (Maniac seems like a stretch, and you're in for a headache if this is Lunatic or any of its variants).

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If it's by RNG. . .uh, good luck. I'm assuming you're on Hard/Normal (Maniac seems like a stretch, and you're in for a headache if this is Lunatic or any of its variants).

Normal, since the units I'll be using would be really bad on hard mode, even if they were their default classes (IE Samto and Wrys, and Wrys is more or less one of my favorite units.)

Edited by Nexas
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So currently, The avatar is more or less being an Avatar and being broken as a Myrmidon.


Likewise, as a Myrmidon, he has low strength.

Now then, since I've just obtained Catria, I am following the plan an reclassing her as a Mage.


These bases aren't too bad, but they're meh, nonetheless. Linde joins with a free Nosferatu, Thunder, and Aura tome, so those are amazing to have at this point in the game.

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