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A newbies Idea.


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I've tried hacking. I'm doing this because i'm no good :( . Anyway, for someone who is half decent at hacking, I have an idea. The characters from FE8.. Realize they are running short on resources (Whatever these resources may be) And so they decide to as a nearby continent for help. (Characters of FE7) by sending a letter by messenger asking for a trade deal with the continent. Of course all hell breaks loose leading to an invasion of FE7 by FE8. I have much more detail if anyone is interested. LIke why all hell broke loose :D

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First off, moved this topic to where it belongs.

SECOND, are you throwing the idea around and looking for suggestions? Looking for help? Something else? If you want help, you're going to need a lot more than a single paragraph - at minimum, you'll want some screenshots of progress. If you want suggestions, you'll need to put more than a declarative statement in your opening post.

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er- Sorry to burst your bubble but no one is going to help you out with just that to go on. I recommend trying hacking again. Using video tutorials may help, have you tried watching Arch's or MarkyJoe's eventing tutorial?

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