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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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In that case, please explain how I am lucky at various things, despite being an Atheist.

God's angels is trying to sway you to his side.

Why don't you serve him, son of man? Why must you be so uncouth? God only wishes the best for his children. Surely you at least understand his love for you!

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i'm going to refuse to believe that ninjamonkey's post wasn't intended as humor

None of my posts are intended to humourous.

THE LORD is apparently all-powerful, all-knowing, etc. There is no way that you can act without serving his will! Be warned!

So if I were to murder a bunch of people, that would be God's will too, right?

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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I wish I could see how funky society gets when eugenics becomes cheap and widely used, preferably in the far future when humanity has expanded into the far reaches of space

we won't even have to find aliens to have sex with, thank you based genetic modifications

>tfw you'll never be born on mars utopia amongst genetically superior beings

gets me every time :'(

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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i'm technically not an atheist, but i think you all should stop. trying to urge people into theism is just as bad as urging them into atheism or anti-theism imo

no we're not

i'm fine with him being an atheist

not so much with taking something that was obviously a joke and running 100% seriously with it

Edited by Tryhard
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So if I were to murder a bunch of people, that would be God's will too, right?

Son of man, if those were his words... Then you, as a child of God, should obey Him and carry out His Will.

The filth do not deserve the life that the Lord has given them.

i'm technically not an atheist, but i think you all should stop. trying to urge people into theism is just as bad as urging them into atheism or anti-theism imo

Son of man, I am merely trying to warn the heathen of the consequences of his blasphemy. Why must you bear the devil's wicked deeds and assist in denying him the path to true happiness?

Need I remind you of the Lord's punishment for those who stray from the path of light?

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