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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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..What, we didn't make it? Anyone but England, then!

(I'd be happy with Germany or Argentina)

Edited by Tryhard
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while I think Germany or Argentina would win it it would be fully sick if Belgium did and really fucking funny if France did while also doing their routine implosion

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i've never actually listened to it's coming home until now and christ it's gash.

listen to this instead

one thousand nine hundred and sixty six times

After listening to this I have changed my vote to EN-GER-LAND

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(whoever's willing to buy my support) is the GREATEST team who is SUPERIOR to the competition and will CRUSH them in an AMAZING, CROWD-PLEASING FASHION while looking ABSOLUTELY HANDSOME IN THOSE UNIFORMS

teams reading this: contact me if you want to buy my reasonably priced support

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If it was soccer on ice instead of grass, we would probably win.

Soccer on ice with sticks and a puck instead of a ball. My fave edition.

teams reading this: contact me if you want to buy my reasonably priced support

how reasonably priced are we speaking
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hey miracles happen okay

If that is supposed to be considered a miracle then what others should say.... Edited by James Bond
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Soccer on ice with sticks and a puck instead of a ball. My fave edition.

Yeah that... The problem is that we couldn't call this a competition since the other countries wouldn't stand a chance against us. ^.^

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how reasonably priced are we speaking

between $200-300 will buy my shouting and letting everyone know my undying support for the team for any given competition, if travel is not expected

if I have to do my shouting at the actual games, more is required

Edited by Specta
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re vegetarianism:


i can't go two days without meat

Pretty much. I grow very weak without meat, even with a lot of other proteins and stuff. I've tried. I REALLY HAVE. ;_;

re dish for a week: probably sushi.

re political parties: nope. I don't really find myself supporting any specific party, tbqh. Now, if I made my own party...

re world cup: I hope it'll be Cameroon because they have the best outfits, but Germany seems like a better bet.

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between $200-300 will buy my shouting and letting everyone know my undying support for the team for any given competition, if travel is not expected

if I have to do my shouting at the actual games, more is required

That is plenty reasonable but alas I am a broke university student so I will not purchase your undying support.

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That is plenty reasonable but alas I am a broke university student so I will not purchase your undying support.

you can have a family discount, u no

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