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The run I should have done forever ago

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So I once said that you can not pick full team of units in this game so shitty that you cannot beat the game with them with no grinding. My close personal target of groovy dreams Exy disagreed. now roughly 2 years later I shall conduct the run using only units of his choise.

That being said, my team:













Also, to avoid making Ephraim op as fuck, Certain traitor of a paladin shall be used. Ross will be rescue dropped in his recruitment chapter to avoid dumn dice rolling.

This time I will do it. And while at it actually bother to finish this game for once :O

Prologue: Blue haired lordling with a sword, story of extreme originality




Yeah I'm just going to skip this...


Missing you already Sethy :'(


I tried to take it carefully here because I remember rng rolls on this chapter being dreadful.


Called it.


Gotta remember this too.


Its not very convenient but it lets me know enemy AS and Atk, giving me overall better grasp of situation


Anyway I chuck down a vulnerary and finish the boss off in couple of turns.


Not bad, would have liked some speed but str is always nice.

Edited by a.f.k.a. Howard Hughes
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Yay, LPs :D

I could actually see this finishing, to be honest. Amelia's gonna be a pain, and your only healer is half way thru the game, but other than that, I think this is perfectly doable.

If I may make a request, please take Ephraim's route? Pretty please? This run seems masochistic already, but doing Ghost Ship and Father and Son with the party will put the icing on the cake.

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I was going to do Ephraim route anyway on the basis that I dont have to use Gerik to recruit Marisa.

Also looking back at the conversations of old with exy, some rules i had forgotten about:

All units on this list MUST be recruited
Valni is allowed on trainees to get them to 10/1 (weak, i know but the rules are made by the one how issues the challenge, not me)
All characters MUST always be fielded
All characters MUST survive

Also apparently exy-sama disagreed on me being allowed to use Orson, that being said, ephraim will solo 5x

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Ross and Gilliam are beasts when they are the main fighters. This shouldn't be too difficult.

There are no bad units in this game. The only reason any unit is low on this game's tier list is because other units are a little bit better than them at cutting turns.
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Oh there most definitely are bad units, namely ewan, amelia and marisa.

Their badness is more of result of not being worth the rough starting curve than not actually being able to do stuff...

Edited by a.f.k.a. Howard Hughes
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If you can't manage to have Marisa fight anyone on her recruitment chapter. You're not worth a while for her. Also. You don't need valni to train your trainees. My female!sword run is proof enough.

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Yeah the Valni rule just makes this lil too easy. Blame Exy :P

Chapter 1 - Meet the new king


Figured I should give some toughs of my units. So Eirika is the swordylordy of this game. She is very similar to those of Myrmidons. Sadly she shares their issue of being sword locked and because of this her offence will have always a handicap. Good speed is nice but it starts to get superfluously high soon and by then I will start wishing she had more str and def. Overall case of crippling overspecialization.


So I avoid the soldier here to keep some form of likehood in Eirika surviving and on turn 2 we meet Gimli


Gimli is an armour and by default he sucks. Untill we remeber this is Sacret stones. He will basically never die to physical attacks after initial axerush and his speed should let him double the bulky enemies, while maintaining the str needed to OHKO squishy speedsters. Most importantly he has access to great knight to mend his movement issues. All around I would hazard a guess that he will be the MVP for at least the first half of the game.


We deal with the fighter here and have a bad level up.


We have franz give his stuff and Gilliam shall commence the ass-whooping


The reinforcements arrive, giving us some pressure...


Resulting this :P


Fast forwarding (with an amazing level up) to where I died and I conduct more passive strategy that maxes Eirika's survival rate


Finish the mooks off with some lame level ups and have Eirika vulnerary stall out the boss.


Nice increase to her overall bulk and the map is won

Chapter 2 - First coming of Prophet Wuss


Between chapters I move usefull Items to more deserving units and box the rest.


Taking few lustful looks at Seth's lance and begin the mission


Yoinking some useful villages and recruitting Ross while Gimli gets in position to face the reinforcements.


Slim Lance is such an awesome tool for gilliam who has more hit than dmg issues.


I take every possibility I can to sink some exp into Ross. I really dislike the other trainees but I am somewhat fond of Ross actually. He comes early enough to not be suck on the suckloop for eternity and while not as good as his father, he is passable unit, exspecially with the fabulous and fast Garcia support that more than anything sold Ross to me. Overall his speed is wonky and his hit rates are bad but he has ok bulk and dmg output. I like making him a hero for accuracy utility but I will be taking a look at the availability of promotion Items before his promotion. Ocean seal comes early and is tempting but being chest item, I have to consider if it is even worth it.


I slug myself trough the enemies, feeding ross the best I can...


With some moderate success


The boss finally joins the fray and I finish the chapter with no note worthy issues.

Chapter 3 - Meet the grand wuss master


Ok, no joke, this thing will be the greatest pain in the ass of this run. Archers just suck, simple as that. I will do my best to get her to a point where she can be useful but I am no miracle maker.


Ross is seriously starting to become strong. The lack of really good units on my team really helps him to have the time he needs to play catch up.


I managed to brainfart and get couple of restarts here before i got this point right. Yeah, I was dumn enough to let the thief steal my elixir XD


I get it eventually right of course, and Colm is nice enough to line up my pockets some. Sadly this will be all the thievery he will commit in this game :(


I go ahead carefully paying attention to Ross's exp as I really want him to promote in time for next map.


Is it just me or is this ross hilariously blessed? Looking at his average stats we are talking of roughly +3 in def with 25% growth rate here :O

Edited by a.f.k.a. Howard Hughes
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The thing is, I dont have super trainees unlocked. Also hawk king do note that on Ephraim route, Ocean seal is a chest item and I lack a thief at that point. I also naturally obtain 2 hero crests and my only potential crest users are Ross and Marisa. Outside no water walking fighter -> hero loses nothing compared to zerk anyway. Instant C swords are just s good as 15% crit boost + axelock

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But Pirate saves a few turns, and if you're going for an LTC style, you won't be promoting until the desert.

And btw, LTC usually involves early promotions, Liberal Orsin Use, Warp/Hammerne use, and a ton of rescue chains.

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I am not going for LTC. I will try to remain efficient in that I keep a good phase but I am not going to LTC this. And I am most definately not waiting for lv 20 promotions or anything silly like that. I promote when I feel it is most useful. Also Ross will be a fighter :P

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