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I need some help

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Hey guys, I need some help concerning my Avatar. I've never played awakening before but I've watched my brother play bits of it and I'm not to shabby a fire emblem player myself. I always liked the way you could customize your avatars class and I'm definitely going to be making him a swordsmaster. I wanted to get him to mainly use the Levin sword though Just because I think It would be a fun way to play.. so what would be the best way to allocate my avatars stats since this weapon runs on magic? How often can you come by the Levin sword? Is it possible to forge this weapon as well? My brother also had an ability that made his weapons not break quickly, can a swordsmaster run this skill? I know it's kind of a silly question, but thanks in advance.

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Yes, the skill is AT (Armsthrift). I will warn you however, against a couple of things:

1) Swordmaster is a *BAD* class.

2) SM's have a mag cap of 34, so don't expect any half-decent results.

3) AT doesn't actually help combat, and is simply a convenience (which isn't worth much because of infinite money).

Edited by Gaia
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Not really. Simply because you raise your mods doesn't mean that the SM's base cap is going to change; if you're planning on playing magic-based, your #1 choice is Sage. SM is a bad class because it has no niche. It makes terrible support (low Str), and it doesn't have much potential to lead either (low Str/Skl, Sword-Locked).

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Oh I see. I guess I understood the mechanics wrong. I assumed that picking a certain stat raised the stat cap. So the only thing that the beginning does is start you off with a few more stats in one place?

It does raise the stat cap. Awakening uses a system of modifiers: http://serenesforest.net/fe13/char_max.html

Even a -Mag Sage would do far more damage than a +Mag SM; 43-38.

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Swordmaster isn't bad! It gets awesome skills like Astra and Swordfaire. D:

Also, that skill you're referring to is Armsthrift, and while the Myrmidon line doesn't learn it, the Mercenary line does. Just reclass to Mercenary and you'll have it right away, as it's the lv. 1 skill of the line.

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Swordmaster isn't bad! It gets awesome skills like Astra and Swordfaire. D:

I won't deny that Swordfaire is a good skill, but remember, this is his avatar we're talking about. Also, Astra is not something I would put under the umbrella of, "Good Skills." It's pretty bad, and considering the Avatar can grab both Luna and Ignis, the point really isn't there.

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Something the advisors of this thread may be overlooking is that this is probably more of a just-for-fun playthrough, and likely not on any of the higher difficulties. In that light, Swordmaster should be just fine; practically all the classes are usable on lower difficulties.

Trickster and Dark Knight would also be useful classes, since they have decent Magic and also wield swords. Tricksters' Staff utility can be fun to play around with, plus some decent skills, and Dark Knight has the cool movement and stuff.


...Oh, but um. That didn't really answer your question, did it.

Well, IMO Luck is always a pretty safe flaw to go with, although you could also go for your Defense or Resistance if you're gonna be a Swordmaster, since they have high dodge rates. Strength might be a good asset if you think you'll reclass as other physical classes, likewise with Magic asset for magic classes.

Personally, I like to use both types of classes as well as mixed ones so I made my avatar Skill + / Luck - , but that's just me.

EDIT: Czar Yoshi is right lol, Luck is a bad flaw to pick if you want Armsthrift. Not sure I know which one to recommend, then. Maybe HP? *shrug* I think Luck+ / HP- technically sort of cancel out any negatives of either, if I recall correctly

It's like if someone says they want to use Swords Dance Skarmory in Pokemon; you don't assume they're going to do so competitively and tell them not to, you assume they're probably going to be doing that in-game or something

Edited by BANRYU
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Swordmaster isn't bad! It gets awesome skills like Astra and Swordfaire. D:

The skills a class gets and how good of an ending class it is are very different things.

TC, as long as you don't plan on doing any of the harder DLC maps you should be fine as a SM. If you want to be primarily Levin based, go +Mag/-Str, otherwise +Str/-Res. Levins can be forged. Armsthrift (the weapon use reduction skills) comes from Mercenary at Lv.1, and has a Lck*2 activation chance which is why I'm not recommending a Lck flaw. You might want to consider marrying a character with Dark Knight (Miriel, Maribelle, Cordelia, Nowi, Tharja) because those give +Mag/Def, stats you want. If you want to go physical (there are two ranged physical swords, Amatsu and Ragnell, though they're pretty rare and unforgable (Ragnell gives +5 Def when equipped though)) Wyvern Lord (Sully, Panne, Nowi, Cherche) makes a good support for +Str/Def. More Levin Swords can be acquired easily through Spotpass (available after Cht.3), or from a shop in one of the Spotpass Paralogues (available after you beat the game).

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You can reclass as many times as you want since Second Seals become buyable at some point in the game. But there IS one rule: you can only reclass straight to a promoted class if you've reached level 10 or above in another promoted class. For example, to go to Swordmaster without having to go through Myrmidon, you'd have to reclass your unit when they're a level 10 Hero or other tier 2 class.

Edited by Anacybele
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