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Post your RNG screwed and RNG blessed units here...


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Lon'qu. He doesn't get bad growths, don't get me wrong, but he always is hit with extraordinarily low hit percents (I'm talking like, 30 - 5% here) that usually just decimate him and set him up for an archer to plink him in the face for the kill. WITHOUT. FAIL.


Miriel. She has always had garbage-tier growths in my games, usually only gaining 1-2 stats at best. Rarely I've had her gain a normal amount like, maybe 4 or so.

Sully: Unlike the legendary Sully posted up there, mine just doesn't... do anything in terms of growths. I just default to Stahl for the most part.

Vaike: Same reasons as Sully, I just default to a General/Great Knight unit for axes and default to Basilio for a warrior.


Stahl: Usually goes really well in most playthroughs, only had one where his growths were vegetable-tier.

Sumia: She almost always has really nice growths, replaces Cordelia very easily.

Henry: Same reasons as Sumia, usually replaces Tharja.

Inigo: Because he wants to impress the ladies he usually dual strikes all day every day, despite low percents.

LEGENDARY-TIER of Being Blessed:

Virion: I didn't expect this but honestly, in every one of my playthroughs, WITHOUT FAIL he will have beast-mode growths and dual strikes the MOST out of any unit (excluding Chrom or Lucina), even with low %s.

Owain: What else did you expect from the hero of an epoch? Amazing growths very frequently, dodge master supreme against high hit %s for no reason.

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Unless you f*ck up the children characters, they will always have good stats, so I'll leave em out.

1. Stahl: I don't think I've ever had a bad Stahl. Hell, he even gets a lot of RES with me. One way or another, always out performs Sully. If he ever lacks in speed, well, that's why I pair him with fast women.

2. Chrom: I guess it's sort of a given, but he always ends up more balanced than Eliwood.

3. Say'ri: I have no idea what her growths are, but I swear, she got like 4 perfect lvl ups one time.

4. Cordelia: I always bench Sumia by the time Cordelia roles by, and she more than makes up for it.

5. Vaike: Probably my favorite axe unit in the game for the first generation. Always ends up great.

Now for the benchwarmers:

1. Sully: She just hates to get STR and DEF for some reason. At one point, Stahl had more speed than her.

2. Miriel: Never had a good Miriel in my life. Never.

3. Ricken: seriously, what's with this game and the mages?

4. Virion. Usually lacks STR. Isn't even a great end game sniper.

5. Lon'qu: To be honest, he's only been good once for me. Usually bench him for Say'ri, who is better skill wise, too.

6. Maribelle: "What is Defense?" Literally impossible to train without Resque Staffs.

Everyone else usually performs well.

Edited by Duke of Dozel
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My Avatar always ends up getting screwed in Speed, it follows me like a curse. The following pic is of a +Str -Lck avatar who went though 18-19 Tactician->15 Grandmaster->15 Dark Flyer-> Dark Knight. I did some math, and unless I screwed something up, her Speed should be around 30 after reclassing. (Pic under spoiler because iPad camera takes huge pictures)


Also, I'm currently entertaining myself with a challenge run where one of my rules is that Donnel has to be used. Of course, he keeps getting levels that make me want to throw my 3DS into a wall.



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Going into Lunatic+ Chapter 3 with an inordinately RNG blessed +Mag/-Def Avatar:



The Def procs were pretty nice, but the real kicker was the Event Tile Celica's Gale in Ch. 1...Chapter 2 got wrecked.

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Screwed: Gaius, Gaius, Gaius. The guy just can't seem to dodge much of anything that doesn't use an axe (and even those hit him a good deal of the time when I've tried using him!). Doesn't help that, just like candy, he's easily crushed... And he habitually gets level ups that fail to impress. It's gotten to the point where I refuse to use him unless I plan on marrying him off (and might eventually go so far as to not bother with him even for marriage purposes).

Blessed: I dunno. Maybe Lissa?

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I don't remember much of my other units in my Lunatic game, but the unit that stands out the most is my MU and Lissa

I went Def+/luk- for some reason and still managed to max out my str and res before my def, needless to say the Lunatic run became pretty much a cakewalk. I am going back to str+ next.

On the other hand, Lissa receives only 1 stat for 3 different levels, her normal levels are rather unremarkable as well...I feel bad that I might have to bench her considering how well she did in my first game, but RNG is a cruel mistress.

Edited by Lu Bu
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