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Hey! dudes new guy comming in!! (゜Д゜)


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First of all i want to introduce my self. I'm kind of new to Fire emblem games and brand new as a member on this forum. Usually I'm only on the MAL forum boards but they can't help me with stuff like this. So nice meeting you all. That being said.

Dudes i need you help!
I plan to replay the game on hard mode this time. Only i don't want to use the same pairings i did last time.
This is my pairing setting so far. I i put the previous play through characters behind it in red striped

Olivia x Chrome Lon'qu
Tharja X avatar libera
Sumia x Gaius/ henry chrome
Cordelia x lon'qu gaius
Sully x Vaike stahl i think
Lissa x donnel Vaike
Maribelle x Liberia Henry
Nowi X Gregor/gaius Donnel
Panne X stahl/federick Gregor
Cherche X stahl/federick Virion
Miriel X Ricken Kellam

I look a lot ad hair colors combined with usable skills/stats they are getting from there parents + a nice support dialogues are a nice bonus too. It's about the concerning bold typed characters. I can't really choose. I kind of want Gaius cuz orange hair for the child. But white hair might look good on her too en henry gives also better magic support. Yet i don't want to let go gaius as a wast since he is quite the skilled one and of course a awesome character. I could pair gaius with nowi too but i get the feeling that red hair suits the child better en i heard that nowi and gregor had a touchy support. But then again gaius gives galeforce. Than there is stahl and federick. I plan to get both of the two paired with either panne or cherche. I heard federick had a funny support with panne but personally i think cherche x federick is a nice couple. I think stahl is a nice parent too. It would be nice if virion could be used too but i can't pare them all. I could give Tharja a free spot by pairing my unite to a child one. Yet i kind of wanted to have noire with black hair and a tharja support since she is my favourite female. If you guys have other suggestions don't hesitate to name them.
Hope you guys can help me out, ow yea and sorry for retarded English
Edited by johnyjohny
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Yea they are the male names in red and are striped too. Are they not visible?

Yeah. It just seemed kinda vague because it looked like those were the other options you were considering.

Not to mention, I'm at a bit of a loss at what you're trying to go for here. I mean, just playing the game can be done with any pair in the game. But something like mixmaxing is another thing altogether.

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Johnnyboy, I'm havin' a bit trouble comprehending what you're asking (I'm unfortunately a bit dyslexic when it comes to reading incorrect spelling/grammar but I'm trying here). Are there any pairs that you're particularly attached to, or are you REALLY looking to optimize your stuff the best possible? Hair colors and stuff are subjective and mainly up to you, so we're probably better off just helping you with things that you're not as sure about unless you want to go for like the best possible units for challenge DLC maps and such.

Edited by BANRYU
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So you're primarily pairing for hair color and supports as long as the children aren't bad, right?

Sumia and Henry is better for gameplay than Sumia and Gaius, and Cynthia still looks good with white hair. Sumia and Gaius wastes Gaius's Pegasus passdown which is bad.

Nowi and Gaius have a really bad support, and Gaius isn't as strong of a support partner, but Gaius will give Nah Pegasus which probably matters more.

Panne and Frederick work very well together. Stahl does too, but he's usually wanted somewhere else. I haven't finished Panne's supports yet and can't say which one is better (too lazy to go look them up).

Cherche will go better with Stahl (no Wyvern overlap) but would go better with Gregor, Henry or Vaike if you want to consider any of them.

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