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Hi, everybody! (Hi, Dr. Nick!)


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Hey everyone, My name's Darion. I used to be pretty frequent around FE communities a few years back, so maybe some of you will recognize me.

I got back into Fire Emblem due to boredom. I decided one day to download every FE and their english patches, despite having not played the series in years (and at the time I had only played 6-8). I played Mystery of the Emblem and loved it, so decided to pick the series back up, and I feel like I'm more addicted than I've ever been!

Anyway after playing 1, 3 and 4 (I'd like to play 5 but there's something weird with my english patch, if anybody wants to take a gander feel free to send me a PM) I started playing 7 and doing some ranked runs. I've since S-ranked Eliwood & Hector normal modes and am in the process of doing EHM. I'm also doing another ENM ranked run that I'm putting on Youtube for the fun of it; here's a link if anyone cares:

http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIEepRdrPuGE6YxXTHzzuhsVrygd3rU66 (Quality for the first few isn't very good, they get better but I plan on adding commentary to further recordings when I get a mic)

I've also decided to take up ROM hacking again since I definitely have a better idea of balance nowadays. I think I'm pretty decent at it but expect to see me over in ROM hacking questions now and then.

Well, that's it, sorry for the wall of text!

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90s simpsons fan?

Well I'd love to say I'm a long time fan, but unfortunately I've just recently started watching it. However I'm addicted and on season 10 already (Started on s1e1 of course). Man it's a great show.

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