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it could be an error on my end (this entire project was kind of hacked together; there are plans for a new, from-the-ground version in the pipeline but school)

if you're familiar with the command line, can you try navigating to the randomizer folder and running run.py from there? (it would be "py run.py" or something)

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if you're familiar with the command line, can you try navigating to the randomizer folder and running run.py from there? (it would be "py run.py" or something)

also I've never done anything like this before

I have no experience whatsoever with romhacking/coding (apart from basic java lulz) and all this stuff.

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windows-r "cmd.exe"

should open up a black window that you can type into

use "cd" (Change Directory) to navigate to the folder the randomizer (particularly the run.py file) is in - for example, if I wanted to go into Documents, i'd just type in "cd Documents". Alternatively, open up the folder in the file explorer and click on the filename address, copy it (ctrl-c or just rightclick-copy), then go into cmd, type "cd" then paste it (hit enter)

Once you're there, type in "py run.py", hit enter, and give me a screenshot of what it says

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based on the pathname that is what i'd assume as well, but that error message is telling me otherwise O_o

type "dir" (maybe "dir >> log.txt", which writes the output into a file called "log.txt" in that folder) and either screen or copypaste what's in there to me. Without actually being able to access your computer, I'm not entirely sure how to help you

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allright, I did a thing. sorta long text incoming. also I quit censoring my name because fuck it too much work.

I managed to open run.py with cmd by typing in the whole path after it refused to change the directory for whatever reason: http://puu.sh/hclSu/0e4fce4b20.png(the 5th line says "the system couldn't find the path" something like that.)
as far as I understand it the main problem is: it doesn't change the directory at all, so using the randomize command makes it search in C: for what it wants to randomize (ofc it isn't there.)

then I decided to try copy pasting the folder with run.py and all the other stuff directly to C:, which lead to cmd actually changing the directory AND run.py not crashing instantly since I was still in cmd. so I got the error message, wohoo! http://puu.sh/hcmiN/593fcd25be.png

this way I was also able to do the log.txt thing: http://puu.sh/hcnDK/260eaa28a0.png(It's partly in german because you know... I'm from germany and stuff.)

I hope this helps, not exactly sure what else I can do here. I just wanna play FE8 with randomized units already ;-;

edit: oh also in the first screenshot you can see me failing by using nhl instead of -nhl. I blame it on my insufficient knowledge.

Edited by Leifinator
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i don't think i've ever had that error happen before

uhhhhhhhhhhhhh that might take some real doing on my part to fix (that shouldn't happen at all); you might have to give me a week or so (school is a bitch, and bugfixing is even moreso)

Idiot check: Are you using the (U) version of FE8? At the moment it isn't designed to work with the EU version

Edited by CT075
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So, first time using this and I randomized FE8. It all runs fine, but for some reason, Seth the Swordmaster has the range of a ballista? Something interesting i thought to point out if you didnt know of this issue already.

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How might I be able to save Ross from dying on turn one? With Vanessa not being a pegasus knight, she can't go save Ross from the bandit that will otherwise attack him.

Ross will usually dodge the hit being on a fort and all. If he doesnt keep RNG abusing(changing the actions you do in your turn so the random number generator comes out different) until he gets a dodge. The next turn he will then run away as far as possible and heal up

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First time using a randomizer, I can't figure out how to use this randomizer for FE Sacred Stones :Gilliam:

EDIT: Nvm, just figured it out, amazing randomizer!

EDIT 2: ¿Is there a way to assign a new class to every single character?

Edited by Lordsodor
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heya it's me again. In Hamill Canyon turn 5, when Cormag's supposed to show up the game crashes. should be the same as with Fiora in FE7 when she can't walk over water as a non-flying or pirate class on the drad isle, he can't pass the mountains if he's not a flying or bandit/'zerker class.

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heya it's me again. In Hamill Canyon turn 5, when Cormag's supposed to show up the game crashes. should be the same as with Fiora in FE7 when she can't walk over water as a non-flying or pirate class on the drad isle, he can't pass the mountains if he's not a flying or bandit/'zerker class.

Strange. For me the game doesn't crash but cormag just ends up stuck on a mountain

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allright so I restarted the chapter and cormag was stuck on the mountain. lucky me has a 'zerker eirika and can still recruit him ^-^ anyways this needs to be fixed somehow since you are unable to recruit cormag if eirika can't walk over mountains.

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You didn't apply the fix patch lol

¿How do I apply the fix patch? :Gilliam: Sorry for not replying back fast

EDIT: Nevermind! I already patched it, nice randomizer, loving the new classes so far, except for the excessive axe wielding troops and archers

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