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Persona 3 Mafia - Game Cancelled - Mass Destronktion


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I thought scum knew who everybody was?

Scum typically only knows who isn't scum, and the roles shared among themselves. A scum rolecop could exist, but it's far more likely such a role is a night action.

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Give me a bit; I've got to read through the thread, not to mention that I might be called away for yard work. I'm alive, though, and will be attentive from here on in!

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Alright, alright. I think I've got a decent idea of what's going on, though I'm still going to pore over the thread another couple of times (and ##Request Vote Total) before voting anybody. FFM got shot today, we're worried about balance with such a powerful killing role, there appears to be a vote-switcher, and they're probably scum, and Charlie's claimed non-threatening neutral. Besides reads and other such run-of-the-mill business, am I missing anything else of import?

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Aw, shit, just realized this could be useful. In case the vote switcher has struck again, ##Unvote

...and in case this wasn't clear, I wasn't responsible for the vote I had ostensibly cast earlier in the Day.

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Thoughts so far:


##Unvote from wherever the hell my vote was placed.

2. Thoughts/reads on people so far (since somehow the thread's already exploded into 14 pages):

~ Junko: Definitely screaming 'newbie vibes'. But doesn't seem to be dropping try-hard townie vibes, as much as try-hard scum trying way too hard to blend in as a productive townie.

- RVS vote is RVS. Nothing weird. But then this and this makes it seem like he felt the need to justify.... an RVS/joke vote?

- These all seem extremely nitpicky and/or otherwise paranoid/overly concerned about his posting/actions. Not something even newbie townie would really do, imo.

- So much redundancy about SB in further posts.

- I don't see much use in this post- more efforts to actual scum hunting please?

- Wait- you said two posts before this one that SB was a null read, but now you're suspicious of him? Weird.

- Later posts just read/seem too paranoid/waffly regarding SB, who shot FFM (scum died, which is awesome for town- does it really matter who shot him?), etc.

~ TL;DR: Spaaaaaaaaammage of posts, waffling galore, and all in all, I'm not sold on him being newbie townie at all.

~ SB: Lol, neutral/non-harmful to town third party role? Interesting. I'm not completely sold on the claim (could just be pure survivor bent on winning this game on his own, and could have easily fabricated/tweaked his claim to make him seem less of a threat to the rest of us townies).

~ Sky_Paladin: Though I agree with this post regarding whoever shot FFM to not claim until necessary, the amount of tunneling on SB is... legendary. Kinda opportunistic attitude with the votals shuffling as well... especially with the 'how convenient' comment inthis post. Doesn't exactly scream pro-townie attitude there, imo.

~Kop/Wen: These posts do absolutely nothing aside from waffling on and on about SB and Junko (got tired of linking each friggin' post that basically does NOTHING to contribute to the progress of the thread).

- LOL. This post asking us not to kill him in his sleep, and yet this post before had basically said that there's no point in rushing a lynch with as much time as we have (which is true)? Seems pretty paranoid on his end about getting lynched, and prioritizing saving his own ass (more of a self-centered, as opposed to town/group oriented concern, which is kinda anti-town imo).

- All in all: Reeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaally lazy in terms of what the heck he's been spam-posting so far in this game. Little to NOTHING in terms of actual meaningful posts, and seems to try to be coasting through this game without contributing shit. Not liking him at all.

~ Euklyd: You voted me AND asked for your scumbuddies. CLEARLY SCUMMY!

- Realtalk: All in all, hasn't posted much, and likewise any posts he's had/made so far = still within the RVS stage/pages. So null until I can see/read more later.

~ Bluedoom: I agree with most of the points in this post, and otherwise nothing else so far has struck me as being off/excessive. Null leaning townish atm.

~ SakuraBreeze: WRT this post, I was also one of the people who was offline during the time that the game started/the votals started popping up with really weird vote placements. So multiple people (as far as I can tell) had their votes shuffled around/otherwise utilized without us actually casting them ourselves.

- Overall, null read, as there's not much content that says otherwise in either direction atm.

~ Green Poet: This post, along with this one gives me strong vibes from her.

- I also agree with the points regarding this post.

- All in all: probably my strongest town read atm.

~ Refa: Gauging by this and this (posting styles, tone, etc.), plus the fact that he's not scum!Refa lurking as I've often seen him doing in the past, I'm not really worried about him currently. Null, leaning townish for now.

~ BBM: Though he has few posts made, I do agree with the points made in this post, and his points to Junko and about Sky are also fair. Null leaning townish atm, though I'd like to hear more from him.

~Terrador, Mitsuki, Shinori = no posts thus far, so can't really say anything about them.

TL;DR in terms of where people stand right now: Kop/Wen > Sky_Paladin > Junko > everyone else.

##Vote: Kop/Wen

3. Wall posts be wall posts. Turned out a bit longer than expected. Fun times! (and the constant linking = ugh. x_x)

4. WOW. APPARENTLY MY LINKS LIKE... BROKE OR SOMETHING WHILE POSTING. FML (3/4+ of the links I had = didn't format correctly or something... thank god for "Preview Post" button, but still... GG me >_>;; ).

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I'll read Eury's wallpost later, I don't think I have the attention span for it now.

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Again I thought you were required to justify even a joke vote. I am still suspicous of SB but I do not see the point of prying him any further as it will basically get us no where.

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Again I thought you were required to justify even a joke vote. I am still suspicous of SB but I do not see the point of prying him any further as it will basically get us no where.

But... that's like having to explain a joke to someone after you just told it (which basically takes out the humor completely in the process, which is why the majority of people don't actually do so)...? Real/semi-serious votes, I can understand validating, but feeling the need to do so over RVS just seemed/felt weird.

And well, if you think that way about SB, then that's fine. But what of everyone else in the thread? Your posts were mainly comprised of focus on SB, and the rest was posting regarding various aspects of what's happened so far (questioning who shot FFM, being wary of someone who clearly eliminated a mafia/scum [as townie, I'd think you'd want to thank whoever shot them for aiming and hitting someone who flipped as a threat to town], etc.) that overall hasn't pushed forth much in terms of scum hunting.

What are your thoughts regarding others thus far- has anything stuck out to you in particular or sat ill with you aside from SB? (And if you're still suspicious regarding SB on a point/thought you may not have already expanded on, then feel free to elaborate more on him, but try to remain as concise as possible with your thoughts.)

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Well I would say that Sky Paladin is extremely aggressive. He is still stuck on the SB thing. Also he is telling everyone to vote for SB. He accused SB being scum WAY to early in the game. I don't think we should jump on Wen just yet. He was stuck on the SB thing for a while but he didn't exactly tell everyone to lynch SB. He was suspicious of SB and I guessed he might have wanted to make SB look like the culprit. SB I still really want to know his role. If SB is not scum I have a feeling he might go down the drain. Refa is giving me vibes for some reason but I kind of suspect him. Otherwise I do not have to many thoughts.

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Mkay- lookin' a bit better.

Well I would say that Sky Paladin is extremely aggressive. He is still stuck on the SB thing. Also he is telling everyone to vote for SB. He accused SB being scum WAY to early in the game. I don't think we should jump on Wen just yet. He was stuck on the SB thing for a while but he didn't exactly tell everyone to lynch SB. He was suspicious of SB and I guessed he might have wanted to make SB look like the culprit. SB I still really want to know his role. If SB is not scum I have a feeling he might go down the drain. Refa is giving me vibes for some reason but I kind of suspect him. Otherwise I do not have to many thoughts.

1. Do you think his (Sky Paladin's) aggressive gameplay in itself scummy to you? Or just something you don't like/agree with?

2. Do you think Wen needs to actively say that SB should be lynched in order for him to be scummy, or is can he still be scummy by just sticking to the SB case that may/may not have its merit? (Is the fact that he's not hard-committing to the SB vote/lynch mean that he's more or less scummy to you than Sky Paladin's gameplay so far?)

3. Do keep in mind that 'scum' can pertain to more than just Mafia; but to any role/alliance that poses a threat to town. There have also been games with multiple ITP groups, as well as Mafia groups, that can be out to eliminate the other groups as well. That, and we're not sure if his claim is legit or not, or to what extent he's being honest with his claim.

4. Are there any specific posts Refa's made so far that are giving you said vibes? (Quoting people and commenting/analyzing their posts often helps the rest of us understand why you're getting the feelings that you are, and helps clarify your thoughts/gut reads/vibes/etc. on people, whether they're more townie, null, or scummy to you.)

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I am legendary at typos. >_>

2. Do you think Wen needs to actively say that SB should be lynched in order for him to be scummy, or can he still be scummy by just sticking to the SB case that may/may not have its merit? (Is the fact that he's not hard-committing to the SB vote/lynch mean that he's more or less scummy to you than Sky Paladin's gameplay so far?)


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I am legendary at typos. >_>




In all seriousness: just letting y'all know that I'm chugging through the ISOs and trying to get preliminary reads off on everyone. I don't have Wen's, though. If someone has a working link, please share! I don't like trying to pin down one person's posts in context of the whole thread, even if some conversations are better viewed holistically.

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Why do people say that I have no posts when I've definitely posted.

Euklyd, why did you say Coco would be hard to read if he's new and you haven't played with him before?


I can't see Coco as scum because of #297. I'm sure scum wouldn't say that, it'd be too weird. Unless scum actually know everyone else's roles this game for some reason I'm willing to clear him.

Wen was the first person to unvote after the votals, so I don't think he's the one who activated the ability and probably not scum either. Scum would probably wait, even if it was just for a while, to see if a quicklynch could be achieved.

If Paladin was the one who activated the ability to change votes wagons would have been created at random, since his reaction to seeing a sudden wagon on SB was too genuine for it to be something planned.

Still, he's neutral to me according to what I've already read, I could see him do that both as town and as scum.

POE says that role was Paladin's but I won't vote when I don't know how votals are right now. I should also check wether there could be someone else around at the time of the voteswitch, as I was there but SB didn't list me (I doubt it because FFM seemed aware their scumbuddies were to be suspected based on activity around the change, but I'll have to check).

@mod: requesting votals

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In all seriousness: just letting y'all know that I'm chugging through the ISOs and trying to get preliminary reads off on everyone. I don't have Wen's, though. If someone has a working link, please share!


...I hope I linked that correctly.

Anyway, still in the middle of ISOing others myself. Feeling sort of odd about Refa right now for some reason.

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Mitsuki: They may be assuming off of a faulty ISO link posted by Elieson? I had to sub in your name. Didn't work when I did it for Wen, even with the appropriate "ä" character? Eh.

Thanks to both of you for providing that, by the by!

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1. I find his Sky Paladin to be scummy due to the fact that he wants SB to get lynched so bad. It feels similar to blackmail almost. SB did hide the fact he had another win condition besides surviving. But again, if SB really was scum he would not go out and say that he has a separate win condition. Sky Paladin basically ignores this so yeah.

2. No Wen does not need to say that in order be scummy. He seems more nervous granted he did say that he would wait for everyone to come in order to decide who should be lynched or not. If SB dies on night he will be one my prime suspects though.

3.I think it is just Refa's attitude. Seems a bit to relaxed. This is probably how Refa always is but I do not know him enough. But he did not exactly act surprised when the votal was made.

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1. I find his Sky Paladin to be scummy due to the fact that he wants SB to get lynched so bad. It feels similar to blackmail almost. SB did hide the fact he had another win condition besides surviving. But again, if SB really was scum he would not go out and say that he has a separate win condition. Sky Paladin basically ignores this so yeah.

2. No Wen does not need to say that in order be scummy. He seems more nervous granted he did say that he would wait for everyone to come in order to decide who should be lynched or not. If SB dies on night he will be one my prime suspects though.

3.I think it is just Refa's attitude. Seems a bit to relaxed. This is probably how Refa always is but I do not know him enough. But he did not exactly act surprised when the votal was made.

Refa's a very chill guy generally, and does a ton of goofing around. I wouldn't consider that a tell for him.

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1. Fair point regarding Sky. But do you believe that scum!SB would outwardly claim ITP wincon and be open with us if it had been anti-town in any sort of matter? (What's keeping him from fabricating the fact that he's not an anti-town ITP, is my question.)

2. Makes sense.

3. Will basically point you to what Terrador said regarding Refa.



HOLY CRAP A WILD SHINORI APPEARS. Don't go turning yourself into a Hydra now and falling off the face of the Mafia realm. :<

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