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[LoL] Ultra Rapid Fire game mode


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Playing Draven with 5 BT's and an IE is great too. 79% Lifesteal goes a long way even with the squishiness. Pretty much continuous blood rush is great and 745 AD + 85 % spinning axe bonus is terrifying. At one point I managed to juggle 8 different axes for the luls. (This was all PD)

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They doubled the AS from items and such, but that's not so great when you consider 2.5 is the max AS any champion can reach. Jinx can hit this target easily.

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So I decided to try Ryze on bot URF for the luls. Two back to back Pentas by just repeatedly mashing QWER.

Yep. I see why Riot deleted this guy. (Kassadin's Riftwalks also hurt like crazy too)

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RIP in pieces URF.

Final game, I decided to choose Hecarim because I was sick of losing to OP pieces of shit like Nidalee, so I went and picked OP instead.

Teleport + homeguard + E + Q = Rainbowcopter = oh shit + such funn = win

Ended the game mode with 4 wins and 9 losses.


URF Mode extended until the 13th April, with additional banned champions Hecarim, Soraka, Nidalee, Alistar, Kayle and Skarner. http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/features/ultra-rapid-fire-rockets-further-future

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