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Animations and SFX


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I've been searching for a while, and have found no satisfactory tutorial on how to insert .wav files. The .mid tutorials worked well, however. When I tried to use wav2gba (intuitively) and the music editor tool to burn it to the GBA Rom, calling it with a spell animation bugged out as attempting to use the animation results in the default 0x00 animation.

Since the animation was created by competent hackers (unlike me) and downloaded from this website, I'm pretty certain that the SFX is causing the issue.

I was using the Starlight (DS) animation and overwrote 0x32 (which crashed the emu when called anyway) with the new animation.

Anybody know how to insert .wav files properly?

EDIT: So I switched out the animation for Starlight (within the custom animation pointer) to a normal spell, but it still did not function as intended. Now I really have no clue what's going on.

Edited by hee
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When making any sound effect play in a GBA game you can't just play the sample directly. You need to make a MIDI that, correspondingly, plays a note which will play the sound effect.

The easiest way to do this would be to make a MIDI that has the same length as the sample you want to use, and have a middle-C (C5) note play for that amount of time (or a little bit more, if you like). Just the one note, no more, no less. Set the instrument to 0, or Acoustic Grand Piano.

Then, you treat it like you would any song, and insert it into FE7, except you need to create a custom voice table for it. It's a little complicated to explain, but essentially what you need is this, for example:

D80000: 003C0000 XXXXXX08 FF00FF00
where XXXXXX is the address of your WAV file.

Then, when you're inserting the MIDI, write in 0xD80000 for the voice table offset. If you play it back, it should hopefully play back the sound effect at the correct pitch and everything. If you feel it's not loud enough or too loud, you can adjust the master volume as outlined in the same link, as well as the pitch of the note, the length, etc. Since it's all written in text it should hopefully be quite easy to understand.

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So I was derping around some more, and I found that none of my Custom Item Animation Pointers work, they all result in the default animation. However, when hex editing the custom spell onto a normal game spell, it worked almost perfectly (no sound, thanks Agro). I really don't know what could be wrong as I copied the hex of a spell and pasted to the Custom animations (and changed the item id it corresponded to) and it yielded the same result.

Thanks for your help, guys.

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