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The Serenes Forest Wall Project: Rebooted


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Some of you may have noticed the stickied thread titled "The Serenes Forest Wall," and some of you may have even submitted a brick towards that thread in its rather long lifetime.

However with the old wall being stored on my old laptop in which I have no access to, and the wall also having since been wiped off the face of the internet, I'd like to think this is a better time than any to restart the whole thing. A clean wall, so to speak.

However, there will be one change:

Your bricks are now to be of size 150 pixels in length, and 50 pixels in height (150x50). So you have an extra 50 pixels in width to play with compared to the old limit.
You may also change your brick at any time, but you must also link your post that had the original brick, along with your new brick (to avoid the removal of the wrong brick).



I'll be waiting for your submissions.

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I like your border sty- oh.

I like uniformity, tho I can change it of it'll look weird for two bricks to have matching borders....

i know this is a stupid question to ask, but how do you make bricks?

Image editing program. You can just use paint, or something else.

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i know this is a stupid question to ask, but how do you make bricks?

We call them bricks simply because they will be part of a montage of other 150x50-sized images.

But really, it's just an image of size 150x50 pixels, with whatever the hell you want on it. Most people tend to put their names on their brick too, but that's not mendatory.

If your image is the right size, I add your brick to the original post with everyone else's.

As for how, you can use an image program like Paint, GIMP, Paint.NET, Photoshop, etc.

I like uniformity, tho I can change it of it'll look weird for two bricks to have matching borders....

Hah, I was only joking. It's fine.

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Can I submit a brick now, and change it later if I decide I don't actually like it much?

EDIT: nvm about the edit

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Yeah, you can change your brick at a later time. But you have to link to your previous post in which you posted the original brick.

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Faces are boring. I'm not sure about the font, but whatever.

I like the semi-transparent border, though.

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