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The Serenes Forest Awards Mark II


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we didnt say at all that you were unfriendly, we just said that there are some that we see to be more friendly than you in our eyes.

Okay, then. . .

I think Fox's suggestion is good.

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And I say you stop being a petty troll. Good day.

Zan is right though. Remember when Masu and Serene tried to take this over? Not that Lyle was incorrect in being mad though.

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I say we...

Delete the entire current list of nominees, have people send in a list of 3 nominees for each category, and Lyle picks from those.

I don't think that would work.

For one, some people would just not answer some of the topics. Like: Best Hacker.

I think the system we have right now can work.

Everyone just be calm and civilized about it. Stop posting random junk in the topic, and post nominations and reasons behind that nomination. I'll either agree or disagree and we'll have no discussion about it.

You can even post if you think someone doesn't belong on the list. If you provide evidence to that. Comprende?

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Alright this is the final deal:

Send your nominations for each topic. Two per award. If you can't think of two for one award, then post one or less. But you can't post more then two in any award reguardless of circumstances. You also must have a reason for your nomination.

This is the deal. If you don't like it, do as Serene suggested and suck it up.

The End.

Edit: Send them to me. I'm keeping a list of everything saved on my laptop.

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