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The Serenes Forest Awards Mark II


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Would I be able to nominate myself for the contribution award? I've always ensured my posts aren't spam, and of decent quality... (eg. not just consisting of "lol" and "wtf?" etc.) But I wouldn't mind if I wasn't placed on it.


I'm not trying to give myself more chances to win. It's just, I also try to make sure my posts aren't spam, and I figured, I might as well nominate myself since there's no point not to...

Edited by Fireman
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What the fuck is this? I get nominated for noob but not most spammy? Fucking shit.

You can nominate yourself.

i shall nominate myself for biggest fangirl.


thank you!

*Adds Psyche.*

*Adds Wil.*

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i really dont like the idea of self nomination

I think it's fine so long as either A. Someone backs you up, or B. I feel you deserve it. I mean, it's not like you're putting yourself on this list. That only applies to me really. And even then, I only put myself where I think others would agree.

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........it seems i dont exist in the world of nominations......in that case...

...i nominate me and candy 4 best couple. uh....that is if someone backs me up....*help me*

....and i nominate my alter ego Rubicante as well. for best alter ego

Rubicante: Q_Q OOOOO-YEAH

Edited by Gatrie of the Red Wings
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